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Date: 6/18/2040

Time: 2:45 AM

Location: The Angeles Crest Highway, California

"{Come in Zero Zero One and Zero Zero Two. What's your status?}" called a voice on the radio. A man with graying hair picked up the radio. "This is Zero-Zero-One, we are in position, over." "{Alright, now listen close, the target is approximately thirteen miles southwest. Estimated time of arrival is zero three hundred" the voice informed. "And remember, do not underestimate the target. It seems the driver has driving skills that could potentially rival Zero Zero Two's.}" "Copy that Zero Two Seven" the older man replied. "Hear that Jake," the older man said as he leaned against his blue, 2038 Military Grade Electric SUV. "Yeah, I heard him Floyd" replied a middle-aged man dressed in black with a Holographic Visor on his head. "It's been a while since I've had a challenge like this. I was starting to get bored, you know" Jake said, his voice full of confidence and eyes sparkling with excitement. Floyd studied Jake for a moment. "Listen up kid, our objective is to direct that truck to the barricade, so no funny business" Flowed warned. "I know this already, you've told me like a dozen times" answered Jake disappointed. After a moment of silence, Jake asked "Can I ask you something, Floyd?" "Go ahead" Floyd replies. "Why did you want to assist me on this mission" Jake asked. Floyd chuckled. "Somebody had to keep you in line kid." "I'm 32 Floyd, I'm not a kid anymore and besides, as much as I want to have fun, I'm not going to disobey a direct order," Jake said. "Now what's the real reason?" After a moment of silence, Floyd said "I'm getting old Jake, the Biennial Ranking coming up in a few weeks and this will probably be my last mission as Zero Zero One." Floyd paused before adding "And I don't expect you to hold back for my sake." Jake hopped down from his modified 69' Boss 302 Mustang EV. "When all this is over, lunch is on me," Jake said cheerily. Floyd smiled "I'll hold you to that." Just then, they were interrupted by the radio. "{Come in Zero Zero One and Zero Zero Two. Do you copy?}" Jake grabbed his radio first. "This is Zero Zero Two, over." "{The suspect is roughly five miles away. Be on your guard, Team 4 reported dropping temperatures so an Ice-type relic user is probably among the crew of the target. There will more than likely be a showdown at the blockade.}" "Copy that Zero Two Seven" Jake replied. This just keeps getting better and better... although I hope my car doesn't get caught up in this like the last time Jake thought. "We should probably get ready to roll Floyd," Jake said as he was getting into his car. Floyd walked up to Jake's window and handed him a relic that looked like a button. "Take this," Floyd said "It's the relic Lover's Communication." Jake noticed that Floyd looked mildly embarrassed. "I never thought I would see the day that the great Floyd McTrader got embarrassed by a relic," Jake said, unable to contain his laughter. Floyd muttered something that sounded like "Shut up kid", which made Jake laugh even harder. Floyd looked at Jake sternly. "You finished yet kid". "Your never going to live this one down Floyd" replied Jake. Jake laughed for a moment longer. "Alright, I'm done now. Now what does this relic do?" Jake asked. "It's a relic that allows two users to communicate with your thoughts" Floyd replied. "Why do I need this?" Just in case they have a relic that prevents us from using our radios" Floyd answered. Suddenly, Jake asks "Yo, you feel that?" Floyd looked at Jake confused. "No" Floyd answers. Jake looked up at the moon. "It's like something is trying to urge me back...It's...never mind" Jake shook his as if trying to shake off the feeling. "You alright kid," Floyd asked. "It's nothing, I'm probably just worrying about nothing." Several moments passed before either of them spoke again. It was Floyd who broke the silence. "HERE THEY COME JAKE" Floyd yelled as he jumped in his SUV. Jake quickly switched on his Holographic Visor. He noticed there was a new message with a file attached to it. Huh, It's unknown Jake thought to himself as he read the message [Beware of the traitor who seeks to harm you] ... Wh-what the hell is this?! Jake thought, alarmed at what he had just seen. There's no way anyone wou-

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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