
73 3 15

Beautiful, illuminating luminosity, brilliantly blinding, light
Symbol of all things good, the radiating of warmth, the brightness of happiness, the blaze of love
From the dim candle to the soaring stars above
There is no light that can't push back the night

This light lies within you and me, we children of the light
With its warmth we can melt the ice of night
It's flame can burn through the impenetrable black
It's brightness can Illuminate the monsters and to the dark send them back

But dear child of the night beware
For the darkness does more than just scare
It's icy claws will seize your heart
It will try to surround you in dark, setting you apart
It will feel like endless sea of despair
And life will no longer seem fair
In ashes your flame may no longer burn
And your soul will forget how to yearn

But underneath the ashes, embers burn still
And they have not quite had their fill
Breath air into the embers, it will not take long
Then stand back and watch, the flames burst into song
The children of light need never fear the night
For what is darkness, but absence of light

EmbersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora