solipsism: the path to madness

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Who, am, I?
Where are you?
What are we?
I am, who I am, or so I think,
But if what we think is what we are, then am I what I think?
How do I know I am me or you are you but by seeing, hearing and feeling you tell me so?
But what are these sensations but imperfect messengers of the consciousness, used to translate the confusing, moving, changing, warping, world around us, to the you in your head?
The you in your head has no windows to see through,
no walls to hear through,
no direct link to the outside world, other than what we tell ourselves, who's to say whether we are wrong or right,
and all these messages are real or false creations?
The answer to all these,
is simple,
you're over thinking it.
If we are truly all creations of my mind or yours would realizing that change anything?
In the end whether all around us be true or not it's where we are,
and it seems like we're stuck here,
so let's make this a place of dreams instead of nightmares,
let there be light in the darkness. The world is yours, make it one you'd like to live in.

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