Chapter 3

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Blaise was sitting on the counter polishing the white, golden knife while listening to Angevin's rambles and complaints.

"I mean seriously, how am i supposed to fix all three cars in five days."

"They always do this, give me way too little time to work on the vehicles and way too little money."

Blaise nodded and mumbled something as an answer. She was listening, she really was. Always. But she somehow never found the right answers. Right when Angevin was about to complain about something else the bell rang. Angevin turned around towards the door. Two tall men in suits and a woman walked into the shop. It was Morton.

Morton and his men were regulars but Angevin had never seen the woman before. The woman had short black hair with a bang covering most parts of her eyes. Her hair was matching the slick black dress she was wearing.

"Woah, where are you three going? Looking all fancy"

"Where's my weapons Angy"

"We're just improving them a bit, they're almost ready"

Morton walked up to the counter staring into Angevin's eyes.

"Liar" He said slowly, which had a rather imitating effect.

"Give us the weapons now," the other man demanded as he walked up beside Angevin.

"As I mentioned before, we're still working on them"

Angevin noticed how the man's grip tightened around his holster and the gun in it.

"In the meantime, we have worked on a very special weapon for you." She exclaimed and turned to Blaise. "Blaise hand them the knife"

Blaise, who still held the white golden knife, reached out her hand with hesitation and gave it to Morton.

He looked at the knife then said, "this is not what we agreed on."

"Just give me some more time, it's harder to get weapons with all the guards around"

"But we have yours, they just need some finishing touches." She quickly added.

"Enough!" The man shouted and in one fast movement he grabbed Angevin and held the knife against her throat. The knife barely touched her skin but a drop of blood from Angevin's neck stained the knife's blade.

"Where are they!" He continued screaming as Morton put his gun up, pointing it towards Blaise.

"Tell us damn it!"

"They don't have it."

Everyone's eyes went towards the girl who had arrived with the men.

"We're not wasting time nor bullets on these vacuous people"

"But we need the weapons"

"Then get them at the base"

"Never. Samuel would have to be a fool to think we would use those deathtraps of his."

The man was getting defensive and as a result he started lacking focus on the girl that he was holding a knife against. Angevin took a tight grip around the blade of the knife at the same time as she pushed the man back. The gun was fired by Morton but Blaise had already gotten down from the counter and ducked. She sat with her back against the counter reloading a gun that they keep besides the counter in case of a robbery. The knife was still being pushed towards Angevin but she didn't let her grip go. Blood kept spreading over her palm. Eventually she managed to twist the man's arm making him lose his balance. He dropped the knife and it fell to the floor. Blaise was shooting at Morton but kept missing because of the little time she had when she was above the counter. He kept shooting and by Blaises calculations he had a few more bullets left then her. Angevin reached for something to use to hit the man, she got hold of a vase and hit him with full power on the head. Making the vase crack and getting porcelain to spread everywhere. The man fell backwards unconscious.

"Blaise!" Angevin called out, she got a hold of the knife and slid it towards Blaise who picked it up from the floor. She jumped over the counter and started sprinting towards the man with the gun, all in one quick movement.

A big blood stain spread through his white shirt under the suit. Blaise, who was standing in front of the man, dragged out the knife from his chest and his lifeless body fell loudly towards the floor.

"Blaise" Angevin screamed and ran towards her.

Blaise was looking down at the man that was just killed, her expression showing no emotion.

Except her eyes, her eyes were terrified.

She kept staring at him, not being able to look away. "Holy shit" Angevin exclaimed and put her hands to her mouth trying to comprehend what just happened.

Suddenly loud but slow claps filled the quiet room.

"Impressive" The woman said.

Angevin turned and looked at her.

"You are quite skilled." The woman continued. "However," she walked up to the dead man lying on the floor and poked him with her feet. "I did not expect you to kill Morton over here." She looked up.

"I.." Angevin answered without knowing what to say. "Sorry?"

"It's all good. Never liked him anyways" She said and started walking around the shop. Slowly picking up stuff, examining them and putting them down.

"You're just what I hoped for"

"What are you talking about?" Angevin asked in a brittle voice.

"Celestine Angevin, daughter of Alexander Angevin. That is you, isn't it?"

"How do you know that?"

"Doesn't matter. I'm here to offer you a job, Angevin."

"A job?"

"For SST"

Angevin glanced at Blaise who was still in shock then back to the woman.

"I don't want it."

"Alright then." The woman started walking to the door but then stopped.

"They're going to come for you. Edgmire, that is. You just killed one of theirs and trust that they'll do the same."

Angevin recognized this as an attempt to get her to accept the job offer, but she also knew the woman was right. Edgmire always took revenge.

"I can't leave Blaise."

The woman looked down at her watch.

"Hmm" She looked up at Angevin and Blaise.

"I do have another suggestion"

Angevin stared at her, listening intensely.

"You two work for me now"

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