LBD: Sneak Peek Chapter

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The nightlife scene during fashion week is on an entirely unparalleled level of celebration. Every person I encounter seems to tower an entire head and a half taller than me with faces so stunningly symmetrical, I would have definitely felt more insecure about myself— had I not been four tequila shots, two jägerbombs, and a couple of rum and cokes into the partying.

Finally feeling like I can actually have fun out of work without the scrutinising gaze of a certain platinum-haired nepo baby, I tag along with Pollux as Ymir and Saoirse's plus ones to an exclusive event in Onyx, a boujee bar and club in Shoreditch.

Typically, London nights out are abhorrently expensive. But London nights out during fashion week? Everything is free, if you know the right people. And I happen to know the right people (Pollux) who are the right people (Ymir and Saoirse).

As a result, I'm impulsively tossing back vodka shots in quick succession and senselessly careening around the dance floor to celebrate the success of Holmes' catwalk show.

"Bathroom!" Saoirse tugs on my arm as she yells over the heavy drum and bass blaring in the club, the music so loud I can feel it thrumming throughout my entire body.

Pollux nods as Ymir motions towards the other end of the dance floor.

"Yes!" My response is slow and slurred as I tail behind them.

An unexpected influx of bodies pushing past separates me from Ymir and Saoirse. Feeling the floor shifting under me, I trip over my own feet and accidentally collide with a stranger.

"Sorry!" The tassels of my co-ord-turned-dress catch on their watch as I attempt to steady myself.


I blink at the familiar voice calling my name and I look up in confusion.

"August?" I hiccup, my eyes struggling to focus.

Onyx isn't the most well-lit of places, even with the heavy strobes of flashing lights, it was still hard to see. Dazed, I stare intently at the stranger in front of me bearing a striking resemblance to the 6 foot 2 ex-model and I scrunch up my eyes in amusement.

"You look like my grumpy boss." I giggle drunkenly, inhibitions lowered by the alcohol.

August tugs away from me, inadvertently causing the threads to unravel from the back of my dress and I gasp at his attempt to detangle himself.

"Wait– don't!" Despite my inebriated state, I'm instantly aware of my situation and I grab hold of his wrist. The glitter tassels continue to loosen and, without thinking, I press myself against August to prevent his hands from further unravelling the top portion of my co-ord.

"What are you–"

"Sorry, I'm—!" I seem to lose all sensibility as the sensation of August's proximity overwhelms my already fuzzing senses.

Flashbacks of us backstage before the show earlier cross my mind and I swallow out of anxiousness.

The ground beneath me feels even more unstable and I waver, struggling to hold myself up. Wrapping an arm across my chest, I notice the garment has significantly come undone from the back, leaving me to clumsily grasp the front portion in place.

"My dress," I mumble incoherently, pulling back slightly. His brows furrow before his gaze travels the length of my body and his eyes widen in realisation.

August pulls me back towards him with a swift motion. The force of it catches me off guard and I let out a resounding 'umph' as he secures an arm around the upper half of my body to shield me.

"Shit— sorry." he mutters out an apology.

He loosens his arm around me and shuffles us away from the inquisitive gazes of partygoers in the club.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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