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Abigail sat at her desk, sorting through bills and other paperwork. She was a highly-skilled nurse, but, due to the recent economic downturn, she was happy to find a job as a consultant with a local tax firm. The work was boring, but it paid her bills. The young woman sighed. Oh how she missed her former coworkers and they conversations they shared. Her desk was in a tiny cubicle, but although she could hear her co-workers, it was still an isolated place, only enough room for her desk, her chair, a laptop and herself. The cubicle wasn't decorated. Abigail never felt the need for it, since she was sure that, one day, she would be back to nursing.

The young woman fidgeted in her chair and looked at the clock hanging at the wall. Almost lunch time. Abigail was looking forward to it every day. She spent lunch most of the times in the little restaurant attached to the entrance floor. Her little banter with George, the friendly waiter at the little restaurant never failed to brighten up her days. He was gone for a week by now, a really needed vacation for the poor hardworking guy, but Abigail really hoped he would be back by now.

Another glance at the clock. She was getting anxious and frustrated at the same time, because she didn't understand why she was feeling so restless. She looked at her computer screen, the numbers almost blurring because of her inability to focus. What the hell was wrong with her? She realized it was a bone chiling dread she felt, like something was going to happen.

Another glance at the wall, another minute gone and Abigail had it. She would go to lunch a bit earlier, since she wasn't able to focus if her life depended on it anyways. It wasn't like she had enough overtime accumulated in the past weeks. It wouldn't hurt to leave a bit earlier and the break might gave her her patience back. A patience she was cherished for, since she could handle the most irritating patients in her ward without once losing her cool.

Abigail sorted the huge stack of papers on her desk meticulously before taking her purse. She debated for a second if she should take her jacket, too, but when she feel the cold shiver running down her spine she decided to go for it it just in case, before walking to the elevators. When she met Jared, her co-worker from the next cubicle, she greeted him with a bright smile.

"Hey, Gael, going for lunch early?" Abigail nodded. "Yeah, somehow my abiltiy to focus took a day off. I need a break, or I won't be able to finish the Miller case". Jared looked at her with a mix of relief and pity that she was the one to sort out the mess the deceased Mr. Miller made out of his assets before he died, leaving his family in cahoots with IRS and basically all authorities who could have a say in it. Abigail needed the better part of the last three weeks to just sort the papers and estimate the money the family would have left after everybody took their share. She already knew it wouldn't be much.

The elevator arrived and Abigail entered it. When the doors closed she felt a strong wave of claustrophobia and almost fainted. The walls of the elevator felt like they would close in on her and she stood stockstill in terror, sweat started to form on her forehead, she felt a primal fear like her life would end soon. the young woman didn't understand what was going on.

Right before she thought she couldn't take it anymore the fear washed away, replaced with a new sense of urgency. She needed to get out of the elevator and to the restaurant. But she couldn't pinpoint why. The elevator dinged and released her back to the world. Abigail was almost comically relieved that the world seems as normal as it was before she entered the elevator. "What the hell is going on with me?" she asked herself almost desperately.

Finally the young woman opened the door to the little restaurant. George, the waiter, grinned at her. "Heya darling. You're early today." he greeted her and Abigail smiled at him, relieved that he was as normal as always. She checked the clock. Almost an hour early? Abigail was confused. "I left fifteen minutes early, how is it one hour early?" George looked at her weirdly. "You alright, dear?" Abigail clucked with her tongue. "No, but I will be after having one of your pricey lunches" she grinned at him. George hesitated a second before returning the grin, looking at her intently. "Alright, woman. What do you want?" he smiled.

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