Chapter 1

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I speed walk down the hallway going to my class, I'm already late so what's the point. I'm wiping the sweat out of my eyes . I look at my schedule and see this is the class I'm supposed to be in so I walk in. I try to sneak in, but as soon as I open the door everyone turns to me.

Teacher: Who are you?

Dean: Dean, Dean Fisher.

She goes over to a piece of paper on her desk and look at it then looks back up at me.

Teacher: Why are you late?

Dean: I had Lacrosse.

Teacher: Lacrosse?

Dean: Yeah you know, like the sport.

Teacher: That still doesn't explain why you're late.

Dean: Coach said he was gonna send out emails to our teachers that we were running over.

She goes over to her computer checking her email.

Teacher: There is no email.

I shrug and walk over to an open seat in the back near my friend, danny. When I sit he gives me a concerned look.

Atlas: What?

I whisper to him.

Danny: Dude she's gonna kill you.

I look up at her and see her giving me a dangerous look. A ping is heard from her laptop and she goes to look at it. She checks it and looks back up at me shaking her head.

Teacher: Mr. Fisher. You're in the clear for today but might I suggest not being late again.

Dean: All do respect ma'am, I can't control that on early practice days so uh you're gonna have to talk to my coach on that one.

She ignores my comment and continues on with her lesson. At the end of class she hands out papers to everyone on the curriculum for the year. As everyone is being dismissed I hear an all too familiar.

Teacher: Mr. Fisher, stay behind.

I turn around facing her as the last people give me a pat on the back while walking out.

Dean: Yes ma'am.

Teacher: Sit.

I take a seat in the desk in front of me.

Teacher: Seems as though since you were late you weren't able to listen to me talk about the class rules.

Oh fun. I think to myself.

Teacher: If you are late without a valid excuse you will be written up, if you are written up 5 times you will be taken out of my class, and I will not accept back talk.

Dean: Sounds good to me.

I go to get up but, she stops me.

Romanoff: My name is Professor Romanoff. You will either call me professor or professor Romanoff.

Dean: Yes, Professor.

Romanoff: Good, you may leave now.

I walk out of the class thinking about my professor. She seems a bit grouchy but, she's also kinda hot if I'm being honest. Nevermind that I have to get to my next class.


After my next class I go to the cafeteria to get some lunch. I grab a free lunch which isn't that good but you get what you don't pay for I guess. It's a little sandwich with white bread, lettuce, tomato, turkey, and mayo. It comes with water and a small apple. Not horrible I guess.

My Professor (N.R)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora