Coffee shop

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It was a crisp autumn afternoon, the sun high in the sky, yet a chill breeze could be felt blowing through the trees. The leaves falling all around Gizmo as see walked, admiring all the colors that the world could create this time of the year.

Although at this point, she herself was a bit chilled to the bone, so she had the idea to head to a local coffee shop to try and find a warm place, a nice cup of Chai tea, and a spot to read her book. From there, she would try to get a few hours of relaxing time to herself. At least, that's what she was hoping for.

Gizmo then decided to head to a new local coffee shop that had just opened up a few months ago. Maybe she could get a little writing in while she was there, but most likely, she'd be too distracted with youtube videos or the book she was currently reading about eldrich horrors from the beyond.

she headed down the park sidewalk in the direction of the coffee shop, conveniently in her Google maps, or she truthfully would get lost.

She caught a glimpse of a man in the park walking around, seeming to admire the falling leaves just as much as she was moments earlier.

Smiling to herself at the sight of someone else enjoying it just as much as she did, she didn't realize she had started walking off the sidewalk and in the grass, correcting herself so she didn't trip Gizmo felt the gaze of the man looking at her as she continued on her way, brushing it off as pure curiosity on the man's part.

Gizmo, after some time, reaches the coffee shop, enters, walks up to the counter, and orders a large Chai tea and then finds a table and sits down to enjoy her tea and her book she thankfully remembered to bring with her so she can focus on reading instead of the crowds around her, just enjoying her time to herself and the delicious Chai tea.

She takes a sip of her warm Chai with all the spices and smells of autumn breathing it in while drinking it.

After she takes a drink, Gizmo looks up, fixing her glasses on the bridge of her nose to instantly see the man from earlier in the park enter the coffee shop, he was in his 20s, brown eyes, brown short shaved military style hair cut, clean shaven dressed in blue jeans and a simple hoodie. Handsome, she would say.

Alluring and something about him made a sense of calm wash over her.

Strange, she thought to herself, never one to be drawn to others like that, but there was something different. Something about him had an irresistible pull.

She caught herself staring as she mentally shook herself off and went back to her book.

Although she was aware of his every movement as he sat down at a table across from hers with a cup of coffee and a laptop. Seeming to be playing a game of some sort.

Gizmo continued to read her book, trying her hardest not to keep looking up at him. After what seemed like all day of sipping her tea, she finally finished the last drink and brought her cup up to the counter to return it and give them a tip in the tip jar adorned with a cute coffee related pun.

She bid the employees a farewell and went on her way back home before realizing she left her favorite book at the coffee shop she was just at, a few hours ago.

She quietly cursed under her breath and told herself that tomorrow after her daily park visit, she'd see if it was still there, and she was really hoping it was if not she's not sure what she will do since it was a gift from her older brother who recently passed away.

Gizmo sighed, hanging up her coat on the chocolate brown vintage coat rack she picked up from an estate sale at one point in time before making her way to the kitchen to find something to eat before getting ready for bed.

She didn't mean to stay all day at the coffee shop, but it was just so relaxing to sit there and that man interested her.. his brown eyes felt like pools of melted chocolate.

Just something about him was so addictive and drew her in like a moth to a flame.

She shook her head to clear her thoughts, sighing again, pouring herself a bowl of cereal. "Better than nothing." She said to herself out loud. As she brought the bowl to the couch, sat down and basically vacuumed it down, not realizing how hungry she actually was.

After standing up, once finished, she walked to the kitchen and put her bowl in the sink, then continued to her bedroom, which was on the first floor of the house down a little hallway and to the right.

Not bothering to brush her teeth, she laid down in the bed and drifted off to sleep, hoping she could find her book first thing in the morning.

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