Him, again.

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Gizmo wakes up to a brightly lit room full of the morning sun, ready to start the day. Although she has to work today, she found it to be a peaceful morning now that the book from her brother is safely in her bedside table drawer.

She stretches and gets out of bed, getting ready for work, with a high ponytail, plain dark blue jeans, and a dark green t-shirt. She brushed her teeth after deciding she'd get breakfast at the café she waited tables at.

Heading to the front door, grabbed her keys, and headed out to the café that was conveniently next to her now favorite coffee shop, she decided to walk since it was still nice out, only needing a hoodie to keep warm.

Once she gets to the café she works at, she enters and is immediately hit with the smell of cooking food, smelling like a mom & pops home cooking.

She sighed happily as she greeted the people she worked with, putting her apron on after taking her hoodie off and putting it in the lockers with her keys, phone, and wallet that was located in the back room they used as a break room/storage area.

After putting everything away, she headed out and got what details she needed from the other employees and then set off to her section and took a few orders, bringing them to the kitchen staff, greeting them, and heading back out to refill waters and take away some dirty plates.

After about a few hours, the lunch rush came and went, thankfully slowing down now, so Gizmo could get an order in for herself, ordering a simple salad with a ranch and half a turkey sandwich on the side. One of her favorite meals.

After putting the order in for the kitchen, she got herself a cup of diet coke, went, and sat down at an open table near the back.

A few minutes later, her order was finished, and one of the people she worked with brought it to her. "Thank you!" Gizmo said, happy not to have to get up again since her feet were quite sore.

Her co-worker, named Ash an older woman with graying hair. Like a mom to her at this point. bent down and whispered to her; "that guy over in my section has been looking at you for a while on and off, need me to make him leave?"

Gizmo looked over at the man, realizing who it was. "Oh! I know him. He had found my book for me after I left it at the new coffee shop that's a block or two down. His name if I remember correctly is Travis. He's harmless... I'm pretty sure."

Gizmo laughs at her comment trying to reassure her co-worker. "Alright kiddo, just be careful" Ash replied seeming a little less on edge.

"I will, I promise Ash. You know I always am, I'm a scardie cat after all." Gizmo said as she took a bite of her sandwich.

Ash pats Gizmo's head and walks away to tend to her tables as Gizmo finishes up her half sandwich and starts eating her salad, scrolling through her phone absent-mindedly, not focusing on any one thing in particular.

Gizmo looks up from her phone as soon as she hears footsteps next to her table and a chair scooting out to see Travis sitting down across from her. "Thought you could use a little company." He said with what sounded like an excited happy tone.

Gizmo smiled at him and replied; "Sure, why not!" She put her phone in her pocket saying; "it's nice to see you again Travis."

He smiled at her with a goofy grin and replied; "it's lovely seeing you too. It seems that we keep running into each other, wouldn't you say?" He tilted his head and looked at her, waiting for a reply.

"Yes, yes it does seem that way." She said with a smile and blush slowly creeping onto her face. She put her focus back on her food and took a bite of her salad.

"There is a reason for everything in life so we should follow the way of the world and see each other again, I'd love to take you on an actual date if you'd be up to it, my dear Gizmo." He said all while having one of the most cheesy grins he could muster.

She stopped mid-chew, swallowed her bite coughing slightly then responded; "I'd love to."

"Lovely! But I do apologize I have some things I have to do today, here is all the information needed." he said with a wink as he handed her a piece of paper with the details and his phone number. Bidding her farewell saying he had some important business to attend to and he took his leave.

She stuffed the paper in her pocket and finished up her meal before bringing her dishes to the kitchen and getting back to work.

The rest of the work day was beyond boring, with nothing much of interest happening. Finishing her shift she got her stuff from the break room and put her apron away before going to the store to pick up a few things she needed for the house and some popcorn since that was one of her favorite snacks.

Not the healthiest admittedly but a comfort nonetheless.

After the store she made her way home, taking a hot bath then getting dressed in comfy clothes consisting of gray leggings, a black oversized t-shirt and a big sweater that she could cuddle up in.

She made her way to the kitchen, popping a bag of the microwave popcorn in the microwave and cooking it according to directions.

After it was done she poured it into a bowl, walked to the living room, sat down on the couch, turned on the TV to watch some YouTube till she was tired enough to sleep.

She finished her popcorn and told herself she would watch one more video and then be off to bed but instead, she Accidentally fell asleep on the couch, out to the world even before the video ended, dreaming of what may happen between her and Travis.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2023 ⏰

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