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Hours later, the warlocks had gathered at the store. Everyone wanted to know about Taekwoon's adventures and about his fight with the prince.

So Taekwoon sat down in front of thousands of warlocks and shared his story with them. He told them about the arrival and how welcoming they made him feel. Taekwoon barely got time to enjoy the food they prepared, when the prince came to ruin the moment as he tried to kill Taekwoon. Unfortunately, he did lose a good friend through the prince's slaughter. But after his intense battle, it had woken the prince up from his blinding hatred for Taekwoon.

"You truly are a warlock to look up to, Taekwoon. You fought against a vampire and you got his guard down, making him wake up out of his hatred. It's incredible how you made a vampire prince literally beg for your forgiveness." a warlock said.

Taekwoon chuckled. It felt like he was in a horror movie and that he had to fight for his life, but he got out safe and sound. In fact, the prince had come to his senses because of how Taekwoon lashed out at him. Hopefully it stayed this way, because Taekwoon didn't want to go through it again. He knew how strong he was both and without power, but for how long?

"Well, it didn't pay off had I not recieved some training from Daehyun and Junghwa. They trained me and kept pushing me further and further." Taekwoon said.

He pointed at Daehyun and Junghwa, who both shrugged it off as if this was the most normal thing in the world to do. But Taekwoon was new to anything, even how to defend yourself against a vampire. Warlocks actually were enemy number one for vampires due to their blood, so it was already easier to keep vampires under their thumb.

"And what now? What did you arrange with the prince?" another warlock asked.

"Actually the Queen wants to stop by more often, because she knows me by now and she wants to stay updated about anything we do. As for the prince, I don't know what he is going to do. But I'd appreciate it if he would stop by without attacking me." Taekeoon answered.

The warlocks gasped and were stunned by the revelation about the Queen wanting to stop by more often, because maybe this could be a chance to turn it all around. The warlocks wanted to get a better reputation among the people and the vampires, so this could be a chance.

"But the prince isn't attacking you anymore?" another warlock asked.

Taekwoon shook his head. He had opened the eyes of the prince and made him realize that hating warlocks was of no use, especially when one turns out to be your twin. Sure Taekwoon was scared, but he knew that saving his own life was more important than to die in the hands of a vampire.

"Even if he does, I will remind him of my powers and I'll make him beg for me to stop. I have shown him that vampires can never beat us, no matter how much they hate us." Taekwoon answered.

He felt quite powerful after he realized what he just said. He thought that vampires were quite strong, but he had now seen himself what power he himself possessed. But he wasn't planning on using it on vampires too often, since vampires were loved by the humans in Joseon.

Taekwoon went on and shared everything that happened, even how Ji Heon came to die. It still hurt Taekwoon, but at least he hoped that Ji Heon saw from above that the two met. Taekwoon still felt the pain of losing someone who indirectly helped the two meet, despite the horrific circumstances they were under when it happened.

"Let's just focus on the store and let us help you out, so that we can forget about this. We're on good terms with the royal family now and I wanna keep it that way." Taekwoon said, brushing it off entirely.

It was then that three formally dressed warlocks came forward and looked at Taekwoon. One looked in full disgust, whereas the other two looked rather amazed or surprised.

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