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WARNING: This chapter contains references to sexual abuse of a minor, violence and lesbian sex.

Scarlett embraced Mr. Bear that night. Images from Ryan's past resurfaced. He was 13 years old at the time. Ryan was in his room when his father stormed in, enraged.

"What's with all this nonsense about you being raped at school?"

Ryan stated quietly:

"It's true, Dad. Throughout the course, a classmate regularly raped me. Neither the professors nor the principal intervened."

Tybalt Dagon stated:

"If he raped you, it's because you're a faggot. You earned it. I'm sure you enjoyed it."

"No, I didn't enjoy it. He harmed me."

"You see, you're useless."

Tybalt smacked his son across the face, knocking him to the ground.

"I'm going to show you what it's like to be a real man."

Tybalt grabbed Ryan by the hair and shook him, knocking his head against the wall.

"Come on, Liv is expecting me. You'll see what a man does."

"No, Dad. That's something I don't want to see."

Tybalt smacked Ryan in the face once more.

"I know you snoop on us all the time. Do you want to learn something new? But you like boys, don't you?"

"No, I like girls."

"Come on over to Liv. I want to see if you like her."

"No, please," Ryan begged, sobbing.

Tybalt kicked him and walked away, saying:

"Damn you, faggot. Everything that has happened to you is your fault."

Ryan couldn't handle it any longer. Scarlett didn't comprehend half of what they had said, but she knew her father was in a lot of pain.

"Dad," she said. "It's fine. Everything will be fine."

Ryan was unable to hear her. He stood up as best he could and clenched his fists:

"Until now, I've been an idiot. I'm going to be stronger than everyone and take my revenge."

Scarlett became terrified and began crying.

When Mia heard Scarlett crying, she went to her room.

"Honey, what's wrong?"

Mia saw Scarlett holding the old teddy and took it from her.

"This little bear needs to go wash."

Scarlett stated,

"Don't take it away from me. You've already cleaned it."

Mia replied:

"This time, I'm taking it to Rowena for a thorough cleaning. Do you remember Rowena?"

"Yes, she's nice."

"I'll take it, and when it's clean, I'll give it back to you."

Rowena agreed once Mia explained the problem. Then she questioned her:

"How are you doing, Mia?"

"I'm terrible. Ryan married Theolinda Brady, who now lives at the house. I can't stand it any longer..."

"You do know why he does it, don't you?" Rowena inquired.

"It's due to the curse. Rowena, please explain that to me."

"Ryan was Alexandra's lover, a female vampire and clan leader. When he left her to start a relationship with Eliza, she went insane and cursed Ryan: any time he had a sexual or romantic relationship with a woman, she would lose her sanity and be destroyed. This has so far been fulfilled. He doesn't want that for you."

"And what's the difference with Theolinda?"

"She is safe from it. Her father enchanted her with a protection magic. That's why she's ideal for him."

"But he loves me," Mia stated.

"He loves you without a doubt. But I can now claim that he also loves Theolinda."

"I don't believe so. How can we break the curse?"

"There are two options: convince the vampire who cast it to undo it. This is nearly impossible. Two, kill the vampire in question."

"Okay. I'm going to kill her."

"That, my dear, is also practically impossible. It's a 600-year-old vampire."

"I'll go get it. You will see."

Brisa and Xena were in the bathtub. They had fun with their entwined bodies. Xena submerged her head to kiss Brisa between her legs. She stated:

"I nearly drowned. Why don't we get rid of the water?"

Brisa stated:

"Yes, I'd like you to continue where you left off. I like you."

They emptied the bathtub. Xena didn't hesitate and continued to explore Brisa with her tongue. Brisa moaned so loudly that Xena was afraid everyone in the neighbourhood would hear them. Then Brisa took over, driving Xena insane.

"You're delicious, Xena. You're so hot..."

Brisa was later informed by Xena. They were in their bedroom. 

"I'm quite concerned about Mia. This entire scenario is untenable."

"I concur. I believe you should discuss this with Ryan."

Xena frowned.

"I don't feel like going to see him at all."

"Do it for Mia's sake. He initiated the incident. He may had good intentions, but things have gotten out of hand."

"Yes, I'll have to visit him."

Brisa exclaimed joyfully:

"I'll accompany you. I desperately want to meet your father. He's the centre of attention."

Xena looked at Brisa, exasperated, but said nothing.

Mia was sitting in the office, bored. She still hadn't received any clients after being open for a week.

Someone knocked on her door as she was about to go.

Mia went to open it, expecting to see Randolf, but it wasn't him. Mia collided with a tall, pale, blonde man. He appeared weary to her, yet he was also appealing.

"Good morning. What do you want?" Mia inquired.

"Good morning. Isn't this Mia Richardson's psychological office?"

"My name is Mia Richardson."

"I would like to do therapy with you."

Mia was overjoyed. Her very first client! He was weird, but he was a client.

"Please come in. I'll take your personal information and schedule the initial consultation."

They sat in the examination room.


"Holstein Faulks."


The man appeared to pause and reflect.

"30 years."


"I'm not from Glouminster. I recently relocated. I'm staying in a hotel."

"Okay. No worries. When is the first consultation most convenient for you? How about tomorrow morning?"

Holstein stated:

"I prefer evenings. Like now."

"Okay, then I'll see you tomorrow evening."

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