School 🇬🇧

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My first school day

It starts with music at the entrance, I was like: AAAAAAAAAAAAH

But ok.

First hour art teacher from last year fortunately, and two new classmates, one who I already don't like and one who seems ok, no one failed unfortunately.

There was also the new teacher (idk) and the art teacher tells us that most of our teachers have changed, all except two are sad, because they were nice but OK

Second hour, new math teacher, she seems ok, I don't know

Recces (idk how to spell)

Then we talk about what we want to do in high school (some who say mechanics and similar stuff because 'they like cars'

Then English, and we talk and introduce ourselves

Then art again and we sit in a circle and play a game we played last year

Then home.

My second day of school

First period, new Italian teacher, something no one expected,

Apparently the teacher had an accident (I swear someone said 'I hope she dies'....)

She asks us to bring a book

Two hours and then English, we start writing for a dialogue in pairs

Maths, we correct the expressions for the summer that the teacher gave us

Last hour, new pe teacher, I'm already crying

Then home

My third day of school

Tech prof, who complains a bit that we didn't bring his stuff but we didn't know that but ok

So let's make the cover for the notebook that we will NEVER use, then mess like every time with him

Then music and I cry, I hate music, we do quizzes on the Electronic blackboard (idk) and then we lose half the lesson because the teacher yells at someone and I have to admit it's funny

Then English and we continue yesterday's work, and the old pe teacher comes to say hello :D

Italian and we read the book of our choice

Then at home,


Tomorrow I hope to have Religion, yes I'm an atheist, but I like Religion, I already know things anyway and then we mostly do stuff where we draw

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