Labyrinth x Simpsons part 1

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Chapter 1, the labyrinth Begins

The girl with bright blue hair ran across the cobblestone bridge to the meadows, her long medieval dress flowing behind her. She came to a stop and took a deep breath.

"Give me back the child you have stolen... For my will is strong and My kingdom is as great!" A sudden crack of thunder nearby caught Chloe off guard. She turned her gaze to the sky. The once grey storm clouds were now almost black creating a perfect atmosphere. Chloe regained her focus and got back into character but stopped.

"Damn,what was that line again?" Chloe pulled out her playbook from her medieval dress Pocket. She flipped through the book, noting how the sounds of the pages fluttering was satisfying. She got to the line and exhaled loudly

"You Have No Powerful Over Me..."

The sudden barking of the family dog caught Chloe's attention. She suddenly remembered she hadn't checked the time in a while. Chloe looked over at the towns clocktower.

"Oh no Santa's little helper it's 8:00! My step mom is gonna kill me!" Chloe gathered up her dress and ran back across the cobblestone bridge. The family dog follows closely at her heels as they run home together. The rain had started up as they ran across the grass of the park, and towards home. The thunder boomed and the lightning crackled in the sky. The two picked up pace as the rain turned to a pour, and their house had just come into sight. Chloe was soaked all the way through, her loose bun now came undone and let her short wet hair hang around her face. She looked up and saw her step mom on the Porch with her hands on her hips in a cross manner.

"I'm sorry Maude I mean mom..." Chloe ran up and stopped in front of the porch, Santa's little helper still at her side.

"Don't give me your sorry's just take off your shoes and get inside!" Maude said with an irritated tone. Chloe let out a frustrated sigh and started to walk up the porch. Chloe beckoned Santa's little helper as she walked in.

"Not him!" Maude said pointing to the dog.

"But it's pouring!" Chloe retorted visibly upset.

"He is soaking wet! I don't want him inside making the house a mess! Put him in the garage." Maude said pointing to the garage. Chloe held her tongue knowing she couldn't argue her way out of this one.

"Go on Santa's little helper. Go into the garage..." Chloe gestured to the garage, Santa's little helper whined but went to the garage anyway. Chloe scoffed and moved into the house past her step mom. Maude followed behind her upset.

"Why are you so late!?"

"I lost track of time ok?" Chloe retorted angrily.

"Well then until you learn how to keep better track of time you are grounded from the park!" Maude said stopping in the foyer. Chloe stoped on the first step on the stairs and turned around shocked. She was only a little late home and she has never been late until this point.

"It was an honest mistake! This is so unfair!!" Chole snapped back at her step mom

"Unfair!? How is it unfair. You knew the rule and you broke it now you are being punished!" Maude shouted back. Chloe sighed and moved the wet hair and that had stuck to her face.

"Fine...But please stop acting like my mom. You will Never be my mom!" Chloe yelled running upstairs. Her dad, ned Flanders came into the entrance way to investigate the noise. He held his little daughter close to his chest. His bespectacled eyes were drawn to his oldest child Chloe.

"Welcome home Clo-bear I was worried about you!" Ned said happily. Chloe didn't respond she stomped up to her room and slammed her door. Ned flinched and stared up at Chloe's room worried. Maude sighed and walked up to her husband.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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