Chapter 1 : Introduction.

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       Melissa POV.

I laid in bed facing the window, watching the moon that bewitched me with its blinding light.I watched it almost until morning trying to put order into the chaos of my existence.I had endured a lot and as if that was not enough, i had a lot more waiting for me.I woke up after a few hours of a restful sleep, got up with enthusiasm. It was my first day at my new school and i felt i could move the whole world with my fingers.

I headed to the dining table, for a moment i had forgotten about my unending painful reality.My dearest cousins, who had done their best to make me live with the regret of not being enough and the feeling of being pushed aside.My heart was devastated just thinking about it but there was no point in stalling, we might as well have this encounter now, painful as it was but then later on we would go back to our solitary lives.

Arriving at school, i was stunned,  enchanted for what seemed like eternity.It was a sprawling school with lush gardens and winding paths that connected the buildings.It was nothing in comparison with my old school.The place were welcoming one that could make one feel at ease, but that meant anyone but not me.Like always i was left stranded,even my cousins shunned me like the plaque and acted like i never existed.

Despite of all, i had come to terms with this reality.The reality that would accompany me forever.I was all on my own, left among foreign people in a foreign environment.Right when i thought that things could not get any worse, my gaze landed on my cousin, Fiona's face.She had an amused expression and that only meant one thing.....i was in for the raging storm , Unable to move while  coherent thoughts began to form in my head.What was i to expect?Nothing but the worst i guess.Even in such an environment, my mind was struggling to find peace, not even the crisp air and the wonderful surrounding of this place could calm me down.

After being showed around, i felt a sense of comfort afterwards.Being a lonely and a grumpy girl, i hoped to find a friend,  one who will always be there to cheer me up after my unending mistreatments,  in the face of the awful cousins i called family.What a shame!. Days went by and i got used to my new environment.With no luck of a new friend, i resigned to fully focus on my studies and not waste my scholarship because my grades were the reason i got enrolled to this school.

I lived with my grand mother Juliane, my two cousins Fiona and carly.Home was not the best but the thought of my granny being present made things easier for me.I loved my granny very much, she was and is the reason i keep on despite all i had to encounter and i promised myself to succeed only because of her.My granny Juliane, was my inspiration.She made me who i was and i am today, the only one who showed me unconditional love and care, for that i will live to cherish her forever.

The teachers in my new school loved me and that's all i needed to lead a normal life in school.In addition to that, i was the scouts and girl guides commander, something that gave me a sense of superiority among others.I became more confident in my self, more stronger that i could defend myself if need be infront of other people.I was happy but not yet contented, i had a void that ached to be filled, the void of loneliness.Before other people i would seem like i had planned my whole life out and more so satisfied by it, but if only they knew, i was one hell of a messed up girl.All in all i had a distraction, my studies.

It has been days since i got used to my new environment.Occasionaly, i would socialize with other students but i never came across one, just one, that met my expectation of a friend or more.I had been drowning in my own sorrow, ready to give up the search when i met him, Blake winters.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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