Chapter 10

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The main house is just adorable.

One bedroom and bathroom, a mezzanine above everything with tons of storage space.

Living room and kitchen were in the same room and the shelf like staircase was in between them.

Dog beds were underneath the computer desk in the living room, which had a large sofa and an armchair.

I would be spending a lot of time in that house during our stay.

Trent and Jake soon came back with some fabulous footwear in hand.

"Hello, dahling," T said when he saw me outside with the dogs.

"How many pairs of heels this time?" I asked, amused.

I didn't have to look to know he rolled his eyes.

"Just one," he whispered into my ear before trekking up to the workshop, with Louis following.

Brooke stayed with me, although she was sprawled out on my lap and crushing me a little.

But it was so great to be back.

Porsche came out and sat beside me. "So," she said, "wanna go out for dinner later tonight?"

And obviously for a second I thought she meant like a date.

"Isa and Alice definitely don't want to stay in tonight," Porsche had went on, "and they thought it would be good to get out on our first night to the hotel down in the village.

So yeah, I am an idiot. But I agreed to it anyway because the last thing I wanted was to miss out on a night out.

Plus the hotel does amazing dinners in the bar right beside it, not that we would ever think of actually drinking.

I have a rule, Isa and Alice straight up hate it, T and J don't want to lose their bags and I don't know about Porsche but she doesn't either.

"And we're just walking down, that okay?" the girl asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts yet again.

"Sure," I answered, a little distracted.

Because I saw the deer, the mother, watching us from afar out the corner of my eye before she bounded off when Louis gave chase.


Later on, when five o'clock rolled around we were ready to head down.

Isa had somehow reserved a last minute table, since she supposedly knew one of the chef's daughters.

And, if you're interested, Louis never did manage to catch that deer.

He immediately came to my side looking guilty after I called him over.

"He's scared of you," Porsche had commented as Isa and Alice busied themselves by putting out the dog food.

"Shut up," I answered, but I was smiling.

And soon after that, when Trent and Jake were glammed in fabulous dresses and had already left, Isa shut the dogs inside the porch and headed down with Alice.

Porsche and I followed behind, but not too far away.

It would have been deadly quiet, if the happy couple in front of us hadn't been talking.

And a bit of arguing actually, about music.

Seeing my sister in a relationship makes me a little jealous, I'll admit. Because I want what she has, late night phone calls and dates out on the town and always looking so much happier whenever her partner is around.

It's the little things I'm jealous of.

"Okay, seriously, you need to pick something already," Alice said to Isa as we walked down the shortcut to the hotel. It was at the side of the road and a much safer and easier way to get down to the village.

"Well you have terrible taste and a shit ton of playlists," Isa shot back, grinning.

Yeah, that argument. Silly little fights that are never about anything big, I want that too.

I think it's weird to want those things, and not Isa's fame.

She worked hard and put a lot of effort into her channel, and because I helped a little bit, she became well known.

But never at Dunbeag, or the village. I'm not saying people don't know who she is, they just know her as herself.

Isa, the little helper. She loved dogsitting for people around the place since it was so clearly a dog village.

And she didn't care about what she was known for, she was just happy being there with her girlfriend.

Porsche nudged me. "You okay?"

I just nodded, still in a bit of a daze with my thoughts trying to pull me back in.

"I'm fine," I said, overpowering my overwhelming thoughts about my non-existent love life.

We headed inside, and thankfully Isa had secured us a table beside the window. Trent and Jake were waiting, and sitting across from each other as far from the window as possible for whatever reason.

Not that I cared, because Porsche and I got the window seats for ourselves.

Isa and Alice were sitting in the middle of it all, and continued to act like they were the only people in the world to each other.

It was adorable, I admit that, but sent another bit of jealousy to my heart.

I felt like such a shitty person, but of course said nothing. I wasn't even out yet, maybe I should tell Isa soon I had thought.

So I nudged her foot with my own, and she turned to look at me.

"Bathroom, please?" I asked, indicating that I wanted her to come.

"Sure," she answered, excusing herself and leading the way.

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