00 - Introductions

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Takemichi - 18
Mikey - 19
Shinichiro - 21
Wakasa - 22
Benkei - 23
Draken - 19
Angry and smiley - 18
Mitsuya - 19
Sanzu - 18
Izana - 19
Kakucho - 19
Baji - 18
Chifuyu - 18
Kazutora - 18
Haitani ran - 22
Haitani rin - 20
"Mikaelus" - looks 19.
About au
Where Takemichi has somewhat traveled to another world....Where monsters lurks around, and adventurers exist to eliminate them. Theres mages, swordplays, healers, and archery. Archery for long distance, swordplays for short, healers stays at the back and heal injured members and mages who use magic.
There are guilds to claim quests and form parties.
Takemichi is a mage but also has the ability to use bows n arrows.
What happened to the others will be found out in the story!

The world laws do not care about age gaps in dating. It is like in the medieval times!

Side note about AU
It is a crossworld between my persona's world and TR, where tokyo revengers characters fell into my character's world and now live there forever.

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