Lemon Boy - Cavetown

42 3 3

Some violence

Travis's Pov

I just...

I scribble the rest of the note out and crumple it up as I hear my father calling me downstairs,

"Travis! Get your Ass down here, right now!" He shouts with an angry tone. I quickly shove all my things in my school bag the note getting shoved to the bottom, I swing open my door and rush downstairs almost tripping on my way down, usually, I bike to school but on Wednesdays, if I'm good, he brings me. My father is sitting at the dining table his gaze looks away from his phone and onto me, I feel a cold chill run down my spine,

"Travis.. I told you to keep your hair blonde, I can see your roots growing in" He says in a calm but steady tone, like he wants to yell but is holding back.

"I'm sorry father.. I'll dye it right after school.." I mumble back gritting my teeth trying to sound apologetic. I hate that I have to dye my hair, it looks really patchy and I actually like my brown hair, Father has always made me dye it I don't even remember the last time I wasn't blonde.


"TRAVIS!" I jump a little at my name being snapped back at me like a slap to the face, no.. wait that was an actual slap to the face, shit it stings. I'm lucky enough that he didn't have any rings on shuddering at the thought of how much it hurts when he does..

"I said we're going, respond to me when spoken to, Let's go." I suck in a breath trying to ease the pain, It's not that bad.. he's done worse suck it up, Travis.

"Y- You're right Father," I apologize, hoping it's enough for him to let me go without any other punishments. As he opens the door a cool breeze hits my face, It's autumn so I wouldn't expect anything less but the breeze still makes me shiver a little. The car ride is painfully quiet, it's always like this, not a word from either of us. I watch silently as the cars pass by, the school slowly coming into view, finally. Even though the car rides are quiet and tense it's better than biking, especially in winter.

"Have a good day son." He says, but I know he only acts this nice in case anyone is near enough to hear him.

"Thank you, Father" I reply and quickly step out of his car making sure not to slam the door. He gives me one last wave and drives off finally he's gone 7 whole hours without him, with that thought my mind eases itself a little as I step into the cafeteria where most of the kids hang out waiting for 1rst period, I usually just sit down in a corner listening to my mother's old Walkman. Ever since she left us my Father never let me listen to any music besides songs from church but when she left she gave me a little box of her things and this Walkman was one of them, I've memorized all the songs on it but I still love it, it's one of the only things left of my mother. Glancing around the cafeteria I see a small opening between two groups of kids and I decide to sit there. As I walk over I can feel people's eyes on me why are they staring?? please stop I plead to myself I hate when people stare it's not hard to mind your own fucking business. Sitting down I notice some kids move away like I have some disease or something everyone is so loud so I dig out the Walkman, plug my ears, and press a button, the world around me goes quiet as my ears fill with music, but this peace won't last forever because the first bell rang and I can't be late to class again, so I reluctantly stand up and head to class.

"Excuse me, Mr. Fisher." Mrs. Packerton said abruptly snapping me out of my daydreaming.

"Sal, wake up!" She says again as I look over seeing him asleep slowly lifting his head, ugh he's so annoying! him and his faggot friends don't deserve to be here in public they are all a bunch of sinners.

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