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So long story short, I have decided to write fan statements or whatever to keep track of OCs. Also to give them a bit more depth and some character.

If you want to give me some ideas that's fine(if anyone even finds this lol), just comment or whatever here. I also welcome constructive criticism or whatever. So yeh.

Some of these might be inspired by interactions with people or just stuff I wanna include.

As of now, I'm trying to simplify fix this up. Pretty unhappy with a lot of it. Was in a rush to write ideas and get them out there that I didn't actually make something that made sense. What ima do is change a lot of things. I'll just list them for now but just know that this is just to make sense of it all.

• Backstories are gonna be changing. I'm finding different ways of making them make more sense. Not to mention that the idea I had before didn't make sense with how they were acting. So yeh I'm gonna try that.

• Name changes. Definitely gonna do that. Some had some names that are already existing in cannon and I kinda don't want there to be multiple guys. We already have too many Sasha's so we aren't doing that.

• Writing style/ Speaking style. I'm trying to give them more consistent lines but I kinda rushed it so it doesn't look right. Same goes with accents to some certain ones(I should be better at this considering where I'm from).

• Note cleaning. Some things I don't like about it. Maybe I'll make them warning or miner tags. I do want to make this dark. Make them a bit of subjects that might be touchy (canon typical unless you count parents being horrible and an avatar not canon typical but secrets).

• Less guns... need I say more?

• Less of actions that resemble Season 2 Jon. Also an issue I realized.

• Better titles. I never can title things that make sense. So ima try to make it make sense. I literally gave up on one.

•More interactions with the guys on the side. Really have an idea for them. Already got good ideas for some and hope to be able to make it go nicely.

• Lastly, give myself some breaks. I think I gave myself burnout and needed to take a break from this. I'm also getting ideas were to take this and have a rough idea of what to do. But after I fix this up, I will be taking a break. I kinda forgot the whole point of Fan fiction is the whole Fan part. If I keep worrying about it I'm gonna end up getting sick of this. So breaks will happen. Updates will happen as they are.

Nothing is promised but thanks for reading this first. Stay tuned.

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