Grieving because of a greiver

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3rd person pov.
Everyone was grieving for the loss of Raven. To some she was a sister, and to the younger ones she was a mother. It was really taking a toll on Alby, Minho,Gally, Winston, and Newt. Alby because she was his best friend, they were practically siblings, when he saw the doors close, his heart shattered, like he just lost half of him, and in a way he kinda did, they knew everything about each other. Minho because again she was his best friend a little less than Alby but still up there and he knew that, also because he was with her most of the time , as much as he hated to admit, he kinda liked her but he knew it wasn't going anywhere and he was okay with that. Gally because he had just found out that she was his sister, he had just found his family and lost it. Winston was her best friend sure they never really talked but they both knew that they were best friends and would do anything for the other. Newt finally admitted to himself that he loved her, he even asked some Gladers if they knew if she liked him and that all said it was obvious, so he asked Alby Minho Gally and Winston if they were okay if they dated, they said yes, then he lost her.

For the first time it rained. For the rest of that day, threw the night, and all threw the next day too.

Alby just went to her favorite spot in the deadheads, sat there, and cried. And he was really loud.

Minho went and looked at all the pictures they carved into the pits wall, because they caused so much mischief. Letting tears fall, he wasn't loud but wasn't quiet either.

Gally went and laid in his hammock staring at the ceiling, thinking about all the time they spent together clear back to when she helped him out of the box. He cried silently with a few sniffles here and there.

Newt was in the gardens by her favorite flower and just stared at it. Crying silently with few sniffles.

Winston tried to work but it reminded him of when she taught him to be a slicer, his eyes got watery and his vision went blurry from the tears he refused to let out and he cut himself and went to the medjack.

As for the rest of the glade they just slowly did their work and had a couple tears here and there.

Raven woke up and it was around dinner time the next day according to her watch. She then realized that the vines she was hid behind were now grown into the ground and that when it hit her, she was asleep for a lot longer than one night. " what the shuck, we'll Raven how long does it take for a single vine to grow into the ground hm? Well let's see for a single vine it takes about a week for small ones and for the big ones a month ok." ( that's not true this is just fiction.) there was 3 thick vines grown into the floor, and 4 small ones grown into the floor. " ok raven you have been sleeping for 3 months and 4 weeks Wich is just 4 months. How awesome I was in a coma for 4 months!" Once she got free of the vines she started walking down a corridor and saw about half of the glade running. Odd. So she followed them and soon she herd screams and then followed them into a tunnel and looked at the walls in awe. Then she herd a gunshot and tried to find it. She got into a large room with a dead Gally and some other dude. She immediately started screaming and crying. She then saw the necklace from her memory around gallys neck and remembered she gave it to him before she was thrown into this hellhole. She remembered that newt gave it to her. She smiled at the memory. She noticed the spear sticking out of his chest and recognized it, it was Minhos. Minho killed Gally. She started to walk outside and saw and endless dessert. She didn't want to continue because her brother was inside. Dead as a door nail. She looked back threw all her memories of the glade and all the people that probably died in the maze while she were in the coma and when they were trying to escape. She then looked down at her feet and thought about what Alby, Newt, Minho, and Winston. She smiled a little, but it was gone as soon as it came, then remembered rat man. Him and Ava Paige are the reason why Gally is dead. She then took a deep breath letting all the sadness out with the breath, put the necklace on, looked up, glared at the dessert, and thought 'I will get revenge for Gally and for anyone who has been lost to the maze. I will kill Dr. Janson and Ava Paige. They caused all of that death. I will find Minho. If anyone knocks me down I'll get back up and fight till my last breath. Because I am a Griffin. And Griffins fight.
I am a Fighter Forever.

Uh oh! Will she find the remaining Gladers and find that her best friend is dead will she kill Minho? Who knows? I do! MWAHAHAHAH!!
Well I know that book was short, BUT I will be making a scorch trails book! Hope you liked my story! If you did please share, or recommend to a friend. Also I'm really sorry if it seemed rushed I had a funeral yesterday and I'm still crying, but I love you. I'm sorry if you don't like the plot, but then again I'm not sorry cause this is what I've had on my mind since I first watched the movie. Luv you Gladers!

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