Chapter 2 - The Disappearing Act

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Ntobeko is sitting numbly next to Melusi with thousands of thoughts flooding her troubled mind but other than the thoughts of Philile, she is thankful Melusi is here with her; she already doesnt have the strength to do this but if she was alone shed be done for. She cant help but zone in and out of the conversation and the people conversing with Melusi have given up a long time ago on her. Melusi has been her tower of strength other than being a first love. A firm grip on her hand shakes her out of her thoughts. She looks up and everyone is looking at her expectedly. What could they want from her now?

Ntobeko can only ask "hmm?"

Melusi knows she is in the room but at the time isnt. Hes always been soft and gentle with her and this situation requires a level higher than the norm. "They are asking about the clothes."

When she responds puzzled, "They've asked that before.: Her voice even lower, sadness evident. "I may be in a haze right now but this isnt the first time they're asking this." He can only comfort her. With his arm now wrapped around her on the blanket over her shoulders. "They want to make sure they have the right info down."

They have been asking her the same questions over and over again and shes now exhausted of recalling information and reporting it back to them. She feels exhausted but can only imagine what Philile is filling. That triggers her Oh Philile. She first tries to muff the sobs but they keep getting louder and stronger.

Melusi is broken inside but if he also breaks visibly, they will not get through this. He holds Ntobeko tighter and when she buries herself in him, it ironically gives him strength. He has to take control of the situation. He takes a breath and recounts the information to the two detectives sitting across them in the lounge area. "Black sneakers, the vans brand, black skinny jeans and a red jersey."

The lead detective on the case is Ms. Gumedze who is both empathetic to the situation and also eager to solve the case; as Melusi validates what they already know, she double checks wanting to get every fact correct and follow the right leads.

All she can do at this instance is nod and dot down new or vital information. She can't help but glance at Ntobeko and Melusi once in a while, not in the eye of a detective but of a human; emotions are attached. Ntobeko looks defeated, broken and beaten up while Melusi is doing everything in his power to seem strong and hopeful. She reminds herself that she shouldn't attach herself beyond the requirements of a detective in order to see things clearly.

Mr. Zondo asks a couple of questions here and there but knows its vital to work while its still fresh. The detectives excuse themselves and promise to keep them posted.

Its been dead silence since the detectives left and no one has the energy to break the silence. Melusi still has his arm around Ntobeko and she is still buried in his chest, if the circumstances were different he might even think shes sleeping and God knows she needs rest. His phone rings cutting the silence and knocks him off the train of thoughts.

Ntobeko gets off his chest and lies back on the couch with her eyes closed wrapped in Phililes favorite blanket. After getting up and coming back a couple of minutes later and standing behind her for another minute or two she decides to ask what she already knows the answer too.

Thobile?" eyes still closed.

Melusi rubs his neck nervously Yeah. She wanted an update.

That evokes emotions in Ntobeko and her eyes swing right open An update? The only update we have is that our 15 year old daughter has been missing for hours and we dont even know where to look! With every word her voice gets higher, angrier, more anxious. We dont know whether Philile has eaten, showered, or my God, if shes still alive!

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