chapter 7

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"I hate you" Niki pouted on the couch,
"I love you too" sunghoon kissed Niki's forehead

"At least we won't have to go to class, and you'll recover... very.. late..." sunghoon said

"WHAT" Niki stood up but collapsed on the floor after

Sunghoon chuckled as he lifted Niki to his lap

"Around a month maybe?" Sunghoon said.."BUT MY ASS HURTS AND MY BACK HURTS FROM ARCHING!" Niki sulked in the gap on sunghoon's neck

"Plus you fucked me raw" Niki hit sunghoon which didn't actually hurted sunghoon

"I love you tho" sunghoon used his thumb to move Niki's chin to turn towards him

"I love you too" Niki smiled as they gave a peck


"Hyunggg, I'm hungry" Niki looked at sunghoon with big doe eyes

"I want bunggeopang"

"I want bunggeopang"

Both said as Niki smiled proud that his future husband knew what he wanted

"Want me to take you there or order some" sunghoon ruffled Niki's hair

"Take Me" Niki said

As they went in their room ofc sunghoon lifted Niki bridel style

As sunghoon got dressed as he took some clothes for Niki

As he took off his(Niki) shirt revealing his slim waist which was ended up with sunghoon hugging his for 1 hour

"Sunghoon hyunggg I want bunggeopang" Niki whined

"I'll let you fuck me tmmr fully raw if you let me have bunggeopang" Niki said, as sunghoon quickly got up and dressed Niki up

But before that he kissed Niki's tummy, "I'll be waiting for my baby" sunghoon smiled

As Niki blushed and covered his face,"baby~ don't cover your face? I want to see your beautiful face" sunghoon said as he kissed Niki's cheek

"Haha spit on me" Niki joked, he looked at sunghoon dead in the eye when suddenly sunghoon hovered over him

"Open" sunghoon said in a deep voice

As Niki quickly opened his mouth when he felt a warm sliva enter his mouth

"Swallow" sunghoon said glared,as Niki swallowed


"Good boy" sunghoon kissed Niki's cheek

Niki smiled by how sunghoon praised him

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