part 2

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Same day college.

Jk finish the first class. See next to him no one is come to sit next to him. He is the one sitting. All class students see his like a alion.
He feel emparised. But he didn't care about anything. Finally he finished the classes it's time to lunch.

After lunch time he comes to sit on the tree side. He feel hurt why no one see him just a friend. This world only rich people can get friends. I am poor I know just say hi , and hello is not a big deal. How can I study in 3 years in college. I think college is totally different but no same us school like rich people. He talk to himself go to attend the final class.

Other side tae

Tae come to search jimin but he can't find the shorty anywhere. So he come to car parking area see suga and jimin kiss each other. Tae see say if you guys finish then can you please give me my car key.

Tae shyly.
I am sorry tae. He is the one,,,

Jimina. He is your love.
Don't be shy boy. Ok enjoy.
But first give me my car key.

Take this

Ok enjoy. Guys pls use cont***ms
Jimina don't forget your just a 25 ok

He suddenly remembered ooo God
We are in college how can we get co*****ms here.

If you don't have then we will do it next time. See you.
He go to the car go to house.

Baby how can you live me like this

I don't want to get pregnant soon.
Saying and start the car

In jk

He come to the apartment fresh up then go to restaurant. He finished the work almost 11 in night. Again he came to his own appartment start to study. Yes this is his daily routine. After 1 hours later he finished the study sleep on the study table.
He mostly sleep here.

Other side tae and jimin

They both enjoy the night time in club. They drink and dance. They both are regularly come to the bar. Almost all rich people come to the par. Not only boys and girls also come.

After dance tae getting taird. He is full of sweting. But he is so s**cy in sweting face

 But he is so s**cy in sweting face

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Let's go to home. I am taird

Yeah let's go.

They both are going to but suddenly someone come to tae she is really hot. She is
Dress and high heels bowder face. I mean makeup face. Every thing says she is rich.
But who cares tae never. He is richer than everyone in the world.

Tae don't care about anything go to mantion. .

Miss kim
She wait for his baby. Suddenly someone come to living area. She weakup.

Sorry mom.

Miss kim
Why sorry. Come eat your dinner

Mom i already eat.

Miss kim
Ok good night.
She go to off the lights tae hug her mom.

Sorry sorry sorry

Miss kim
Why baby. This is correct time to enjoy your life. So no sorry ok. I know you are drinking but my request is first eat then drink second if you drink first call our driver. He will take you our mantion ok.

Smile. Thankyou mom.
He give her good night kiss on her cheek then go to sleep.

Jk finish his work then directly come to his small apartment. This apartment is not big one small hall one bed room and one dinner table size kitchen. He come to home feel so taird. Today he go to college first day so no one give a home work. It's almost time 11.30 in night so he directly go to sleep on the living area couch

30 in night so he directly go to sleep on the living area couch

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Next day

Every one comes directly go to the class.
But jk he come to kai say good morning.
Jk don't like this but he didn't have a other option. Because in school he knows some people ask help but this is college he don't know anyone that's why he is scared to see kai and his friends.

In jk class

That kim taehyung guy is very bad.
Ediot stupid you monkey kim taehyung.
One day I diffenatly complent to you principal sir. Like this 1 week passed.
Jk come every day say good morning to kai but he thinks he is kim taehyung. Because he don't see the real Kim taehyung.

One day kai and tae is getting fight.
They both are face getting blood. Principal
See both getting angry.

Kai and taehyung come to my office room
Now. And you point 👉 to jk . Come to my office room.

Principal office.

Now jk and kai and taehyung 3 of them stand infront of principal.

I already warning you guys don't get fight.
Now you guys again fight. Why are you fighting.

He start first sir

No he is the one start first.
Ask him point 👉 to jk.

Hey small boy. What is your name

I am jeon jeonkook sir.

Ok jk who started the fight first

He already angry on kai. He wants to take revenge for tourcher him dairy morning.
So he say kim taehyung sir.

But jk think kai is kim taehyung.
He wants to punish kai but he thinks kai name is Kim taehyung.

You may go now.

Jk go out of the principal room smile face.

Taehyung you are suspended in 1 week.



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