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Nimona giggled, swinging back and forth from her dads' arms. Her dads couldn't help but smile at the kid's unbridled joy. She beamed up at them, showing off her missing front teeth. Ballister chuckled, ruffling her hair. She squealed, ducking away. She let go of her dads' hands, reaching up to try and smooth her hair.

Ballister and Ambrosius looked at each other, clearly beside themselves with joy. It had been Ambrosius' idea to bring Nimona to the park for a family outing, and it was fair to say it was a great idea. Nimona dashed ahead, running straight at a group of pigeons.

"Nimona! Don't-" But it was already too late, and a flurry of feathers took flight. Ballister sighed, his attempt at reining in his kid having failed again. He didn't think he'd ever be able to keep up with Nimona's chaotic nature. Ambrosius just laughed, both at his kid and his husband. "Okay, let's just- we're gonna put down a blanket, okay? Want to help?" Nimona spun around, eager to be of aid to her dad.

Ballister and Ambrosius each grabbed an end of the blanket, spreading it on the grass. Nimona clutched the fabric, being so incredibly helpful. As soon as the blanket was set, Nimona dropped to her knees to claim her spot. Ambrosius set down the basket he had been carrying, taking out a platter of sandwiches. He placed one in front of himself, in front of Ballister, and finally one in front of Nimona, who tore into it without a word.

"Don't eat too fast or you'll feel sick," warned Ballister, who Nimona ignored as per usual. The only acknowledgment that she gave him was to chew a little louder. Ballister hated that she chewed with her mouth open, but it was a battle he had long given up on winning. Ambrosius smirked at his husband, which earned him a good natured scowl in return.

Nimona finished her sandwich in less than a minute, grinning at Ballister smugly. He rolled his eyes, waiting for what he knew was sure to follow.

Nimona hiccuped. Her eyes went wide. Ballister's frown turned to a triumphant smile, as if to say I told you so. Nimona narrowed her eyes at her dad.

"Nimona, I've heard if you drink water and hold your breath, your hiccups will go away!" Ambrosius suggested, offering his kid a bottle of water. She snatched the cup, murmuring a quick "thank you" before chugging. Ballister sighed. This kid never learns.

Nimona took a big gasp of air, her cheeks inflating as she held her breath. She squeezed her eyes shut as if that would help her.

"Woah woah woah, let's not overdo it-" Ballister fell back into his usual worried dad persona. Nimona was surprisingly good at holding her breath- that is, until she dramatically fell back onto the blanket with a gasp. She rolled over to look at her dads.

"Did I do it?" Her question was answered with another hiccup. "What the heeeeckkk..." she frowned, crossing her arms.

"I have another idea," Ballister suggested. Ambrosius gave him a suspicious look, and Ballister only grinned in response. "I'll be right back." He stood up and walked away, continuing until he turned a corner and vanished from sight. Ambrosius sighed, turning back to Nimona.

"He'll be back," the blonde said unenthusiastically. Nimona was still turned to where Ballister had vanished to, staring intently. The kid definitely had some semblance of separation anxiety. Ambrosius sighed, leaning back on his hands and waiting for the chaos he was sure was about to ensue.

Ambrosius locked eyes with Ballister, who was creeping up on Nimona from behind. He rolled his eyes with a smile as Ballister placed a finger to his lips as if to shush him. He creeped forward, grabbing Nimona's shoulders and startling her with a loud "BOO!" Nimona shrieked, smacking Ballister out of instinct. Ballister stumbled back, not having expected such a violent reaction. Ambrosius broke out laughing, earning him a dirty look from his husband.

"Why the heck did you do that?!" Nimona shouted, glaring at Ballister. Her heart was still racing. She didn't look the least bit sorry. Ballister rubbed his arm where he had been hit- the kid was surprisingly strong.

"Well..." he smirked, his gaze flicking between his child and husband. "You're not hiccuping anymore, are you?" Nimona looked at Ballister, puzzled. He stared back, triumphant. "Sometimes you just need a little fear to help you on your way!"

"You coulda warned me!" Nimona pouted, crossing her arms.

"Then you wouldn't have been scared, Nimona." Ballister feigned exasperation. He would forever find the kid's strange logic entertaining. It never made any sense, but she always sounded so confident.

"Whateverrr," she brushed him off, wrinkling her nose and sticking out her tongue. Ballister sighed. This kid was a handful.

"I know what can make it up to her," Ambrosius winked at his husband, pulling something from the basket. Hiding it behind his back, he passed it to Ballister. Nimona's eyes watched the mystery object like a hawk, trying to see what it was.

"RAHHH!" Ballister roared as he spun around the shark plushie he was holding, putting it in Nimona's face. She shrieked, falling backwards giggling. Her dads looked at each other, amused, and then back at their child.

She lunged forward, snatching the plush from Ballister's hands before he could even react. She held the toy in front of her face.

"RAHHH!" She roared back at her dads, her high pitched voice less than intimidating. Ballister and Ambrosius feigned fear, hugging each other. "I'm a big scary monster and I'm gonna getcha!" She charged at her dads. Ballister detached one arm from Ambrosius, scooping Nimona into their group hug.

"You're not a monster, Nimona. You're just Nimona! Even if Nimona is a little wild and crazy..." He glanced over at Ambrosius. "She's still our kid." Nimona smiled up at her dads with her big toothy grin.

"I loooove you." She squeezed them tighter.

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