Brave New World

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I walk into my room later, I coulldbt believe todays events. I paced my room till I heard something in the other room.

Elena's room.

I walked inside Elenas room and seen her and Damon. I have to day.Danon looke hurt. Hurt as in emotionly.

"What's the commotion?" I said, but it wasn't to long until I got pushed into the wall.

Damom was up at my face, he reaked of alchol. His blue eyes were glossy.

He brought his hands to my neck and I started shaking "How am I supose to go on edge if I'm already there Elena?" Damon said, then in one quick motion he snaped my neck.

---Elenas P.O.V-----

Damon ran at Letty and I tried to move but I couldn't. He then put his hands on her neck.

"How am I supose to go one edge when I'm already there Elena?" Damon said, relationing to our previous conversation.

But then there was a snap and Lettys limb body fell to the floor.

"Letty!" I screamed and fell beside her, I pulled her in my lap and cried. When I looked up at Damon he looked even more upset. He should he just killed Letty for no reason.

"Get out!" I yelled, and before I knew it he was gone. I looked down to Letty. She was gone, and I couldn't do anything to bring he back.

"Elena?" Stefan said and walked into my room, I sobed even nore. He stood there and stared at me, but then his eyes looked over Letty.

"He killed her" I said choking a sob "Damon killed her"

But I guess mericles are true because Letty gasped to live in my hands and I held her.

----Lettys P.O.V-----

I jolted up and my neck felt like it was broken. I looked up and seen Elena in front of me. Her face was covered in tears and she looked happy to see me.

"Letty!" She screamed and hugged me. My body felt hot and honestly, I never exspected Damon to killne.

"Damon killed me" I muttered, I even let it sink in and it made me feel depressed.

Stefan stepped infront of me and he was frigtened. He steped back and he showed fear on his face. Why is he so scared of me! I looked at Elena and she thought the same thing.

"Your eyes" Stefan finally breathed out. Elena stil stayed still. I got off my spot on the floor and ran to the bathroom. Once I looked in the mirror I freaked.

My brown eyes wer replaced with purple. Honestly I was freaked out. I let out a gasp. I ran out of the room and started freaking out.

"Hey guys whats going on?" Jeremy walked in, I turned towards him and he looked at me normally.

"Jeremey?" I said, he looked at me and didn't notice the purple in my eye.

"What?" He said, I knew he started tovl panick. I ran back into the bathroom and looked again in the mirror.

My eyes were back to normal. What the hell?

"Did you see that?" I turned to face Jeremy who was at the bathroom door. He looked confused.

I looked at Elena and Stefan, wonder what happened to me, and why I'm still alive.

It was the nexr day, I'm still honestly wondering about the whole purple eye thing. I walked up the door to the Lockwoods.

Mr. Lockwood wasn't so lucky and got killed the night on Founders Day. He was in the basement like me and Damon.

I was aprouching the door until I seen Tyler. Poor Tyler, he lost his dad and I know how that is. I walked up to Tyler and hugged him quickly.

He hugged back, and when I pulled away I nodded and walked inside. I have to say the whole town was crambed in this house.

It was later I seen Elena, I walked up to her to see how things went with John.

"Hey" I smiled, she stood there in a different outfit then this morning. Whatever.

"Hey Letty"

She looked out the window "How did it go with John?"

It took her a second to reply, and I honestly didnt think this was Elena. I touched her shouder and I felt the darkness flow threw me. It felt like death.

I knew it was Katherine, just how she smiled at me. She stared at my eyes and shoke her head. But then.her frown turned into a smile.

"Why are you here Katherine?"

"I have my reasons" She said, ahe then waltzed away quickly. How did I feel that, feel the darkness. I then ran out of the house. I was begining to freak.

Tonight was the carnival and I was just arriving late. I looked my car abd walked to the crowded area. I was ove by the cotton candy booth when I felt someone was behind me. I turned and my least favoritest person was there.

"What do you want Damon?" I said angerly, I then walked quickly away

. But seeing that Damons a campire he caught up.

"Letty look-"

"No Damon" I stopped and pointed at him "You killed me, I don't even.know how I'm alive right now"

I started walking, but Damon stoped me. Then out of no where I shoved him into the wall.

"Look Damon, I could tell everyone who you are. Don't even try telling me you would kill me because you were just practiqually begging for forgiveness" I said, I some how started choking Damon. I sliped his daylight ring off, and step away "Stop lying to yourself, else I'll shove this ring so far up your as you'll have something to choke on" I showed him the ring before I tossed it and stormed off.

It was later I was actually having a good time, Blake, a guy just won me a big teddy bear. But Damon walked up to me.

"I know I'm the last person you wanna talk to but i need you to come with me"

"Whatever it is I'm not interested"

"I need you too come with me Letty" He said seriously, so being smart I followed him.

"Your're not going to kill Caroline" Me and Elena said, we are in a empty classroom talking about Caroline and her transition into a vampire, thanks to Katherine.

"She knows who we are, she's officially a liability, and we've got to get rid of her"

"Damon, absolutely not" Stefan said, he slightly guarded the door and stared at his brother.

"Need I to remind you the tragic little story of a girl named Vicki Donovan? Caroline, of all people, won't not make it as a vampire. Her mother is a vampire hunter. Guys come on, we all know how this story's gonna end, just flip to the last chapter and... " Damon smirked, pretending to slit his throat, i isnently shoke my head.m

"It's not an option Damon"

"No? Your silence is defining, Stefan. Wait, wasn't there a school carnival the night you staked Vicki? Looks like a town where story repeats herself. You know I'm right" Damon says, it may be true. It was also Damons fault for the whole Vicki thing.

"we're not gonna kill her" Stefan said again and I smiled.

"It's the only way" Damon says, but I'm sick of this and I leave the room


I'm searching for Caroline, and thats when I hear Elena screaming at Bonnie. I then see Damon burning.

"Bonnie!" I scream like Elena. But then I fall,my head in pain. When I look up at Bonnie she stops mine and Damons anerysm and stares ar me.

I look past her and see a body, Carters body. Some guy who was helping at the carnival.

Bonnie still stares at me, she is just as curious to what the hell is going.on as I am. I realize my eyes must be purple. I look to Damon and hee sees it too. I don't wanna be here, I run to my car and drive home.

Once there, I sit and relax. I open my diary and write todays date. But honestly I have nothing to write. Too much happend today. So all I write is 'Kill me now'.

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