Proloog: "why can't I stop thinking bout you"

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~ Jungwon ~

Jungwon was reading in his library like any other boring thursday. This was his favorite place where he could spent some time away from the real world. Away from the unasked attention. Away from the girls that swooned over him. Away from his parents and their high expectations. Away from his fucking life.

He was reading a book about romance. This wasn't the kind of books he usually reads. Most of the time he reads educational books about space, science and things he could learn more about. If he wanted to read a book for the fun of it, he would read a thriller or some kind of science fiction.

But today, after his private lesson when he FINALLY had time, he ran straight to the library.
A few minutes ago he felt a little weird standing before the section he usually ignored. This section was all about happiness, red roses and lust. Basically romance, something he strictly avoided.
This section also included lots of moms old books, another reason he avoided this area...

He had grabbed the first book that looked somewhat interesting from the shelves, in hopes to learn something new about romance.

You may ask yourself: "why did he suddenly start finding interest in romance"
It wasn't really a subject he knew much about, even though he's met a lot of girls and had many short relationships. He never felt attracted to any of them so leave alone LOVE a girl. Or a boy if any of that matters.

But this all changed after he saw that girl...
He didn't even know her name, but he kept thinking about her all the time.
He saw her a few days ago after their strange encounter.
He didn't even know if he would ever see that girl again, but what he felt in that brief moment he saw her....

He never felt like that before...
So as the curious cat he is, he asked his brother Jungkook about it.
His brother had studied psychology, so he figured that his brother was probably able to help him out.
When Jungwon told his brother about his unusual feelings, Jungkook just laughed at his face and told him that you feel stuff like that when you find someone "attractive or like them"

Just hearing that he maybe liked someone made Jungwon physically gringe. Still he found himself before the old books of his mom eager to learn more about his new feelings.

~ Nikki ~

Nikki was reading outside in her garden while listening to music with her earphones on. This is what she liked doing the most, besides watching series till 2am of course.

For her it was just a day like any other. Its not like she liked her usual life but she was grateful for what she had.

She had done her homework, and got back a hour ago from the bakery where she worked.
She felt tired so peacefully sitting in the garden while reading was a perfect way to recharge.
The book she was reading was about romance. She was reading the last few pages. The 2 main characters had just declared their love to each other, after allot of trials and error.
She felt happy knowing this book ended well and beautifully.

Sometimes she wished her life was like a book. Thats she could just flip a few pages and see if her life would end well and beautifully like the book she had just read.
But than again, she preferred reading a book without knowing what would happen in the end, because what would be the fun in that?

However, Nikki didn't seem to be able to concentrate on her book today. Or anything else. Its been like this for the past few days, after she randomly met that boy. He seemed kinda rich. He was pretty cute, but also looked a bit lost and lonely. She could recognize that in his face, because she saw it every time she looked into the mirror.

She wasn't going to jump into conclusions. She didn't have a crush on him after seeing him just one time for literally less than a minute.
But she couldn't deny the fact that she thought about this guy an unusual amount. She couldn't remember the last time she felt like this, if she even ever had felt like before.
This strange feeling did look like the same feeling she'd read about in her books. And if it was actually "that feeling"....

If actually, she maybe...just maybe...did have a little crush on the boy...
The boy she did not know his name from. The boy she would probably never meet again.
She felt a little sad that she hadn't asked his name. (If she did, shoe could've asked her friends if they could search him up)
But he didn't really had give her a change to. He had ruched away before she could've even present herself. The only things she had said where:
"oh, uhm hai?"
And his response: "oh. shit, im sorry. Pleas don't mind me"
Her "are you okay"

And that was basically it.

Nikki felt troubled. She had so much to ask the boy.

"Why can't I stop thinking about you..." she asked herself, while staring into the sky that started to get darker.


Hopefully you liked the prologue ☺️
Fun fact: I'm writing this story for my friend after a funcky joke. So here I am. Feeding her delusions ❤️

If you somehow stumbled across this story, I want to thank you for reading my silly story.
Hopefully you want to read the rest too, learn with me about the characters (Im writing about them on the spot, so the story also unpacks for me) and see my writing skills improve!
(iffff I even manage to make more chapers, im not consistent with my ideas, like the ENFP i it possible? 🤭😉)

Anyway, thank you so much ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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