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It was early December when Grace finally got up the nerve to walk back through the doors of the fertility clinic they'd been frequent fliers of throughout August and September

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

It was early December when Grace finally got up the nerve to walk back through the doors of the fertility clinic they'd been frequent fliers of throughout August and September. Taylor held her hand, both of them had thin black gloves wrapped around them from the cold. Grace wore a long pea coat and of course, her four inch heels that she'd bargained back from Taylor for the occasion.

Taylor thought it was highly amusing that if she said Grace couldn't wear the heels, Grace would offer kisses to get them back. She really did want Grace to not get hurt wearing those things but she'd never actually stop her if there wasn't a real reason not to like wearing them on a driving test. There was something so special about her wife's ability to put on a pair of heels and some dark lipstick and look like she could rule the entire world with the snap of her fingers. Taylor would get on her knees and beg. It didn't matter, Grace was just that elegant and polished.

Going into this potential pregnancy, they'd been reminding themselves that it could work out and that could be their baby and that baby deserves more than to have their parents spend the entire time in fear of what might happen. Grace knew that if they lost it anyways and they'd spent the entire time not celebrating the time they did have, she'd regret it.

She got back on her regime of vitamins and medications to help increase the odds, and then she waited.

While she waited, she made a cake for Taylor's album release and then another for Taylor's birthday. Grace had learned, in her opinion, too much about baking over the last nine months of quarantine. She was making a cake shaped like a cat. Not a stick figure cat, a real cat.

She told Taylor to stay out of the kitchen, so she shouldn't have been surprised when the blonde called from the stairs, "Baby! Can you refill my water bottle if you're still banning me from seeing the cake?"

Taylor's birthday wasn't until the next day, so it wasn't like Grace was keeping her from enjoying her time. She could sit upstairs and watch movies while doing paperwork like she could on the couch.

"It's currently batter! You may enter!" Grace replied and then heard the footsteps approaching. Taylor looked right over Grace's shoulder and gasped excitedly.

"Are those sprinkles?!"

"Yes, it's called funfetti."

"That's gay," Taylor was grinning ear to ear at the opportunity to make that joke. She spun the cap off her bottle and began to fill it from the fridge dispenser.

Grace made Taylor a homemade birthday cake every year since the first year together,  where she had Mather's help her learn how to bake and decorate one. Even when Taylor had a party, there would be a homemade cake that was even better than the one from the bakery. Grace had turned baking into a science and Grace was great at science.

The Rose Garden (3) - Taylor Swiftحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن