☆ Trustin canon?

293 3 37

A/N : soon you will not be seeing their usernames cause im way too lazy to type them out ..

Geoff: PARTY IN 2 DAYS!!!!!

Duncan: stfu we know.

Geoff: smh..

w Trent n Justin : 5:30P.M.
Justin: Hey Trent!! sssooo like... yknow how we've been hanging out alot and stuff rightt?

Trent: yeah ?

Justin: Uh.. Trent,, i really like you.. like romantically.

Trent: Wait what?-

Justin: i was thinking if we could go on a date tn..

Trent: Well, i would love to !

Justin: Really?

Trent: Yeah!!:D

Justin: OKAY!! I'll pick you up at 6 ❤️

Trent: And i'll get ready<3

Trents pov;;
I sat down on my bed , humming as I waited for Justin to arrive i was wearing one of shirts from The Smiths with baggy jeans,, I soon saw him riding his motorbike thru my room window as he parked his motorbike at my parking lot - I stood up and ran down my stairs as i opened my door and smiled awkwardly , I felt a bit shy to be having a date.. with a guy. "Heya Trent!" He said as he waved "H-hi.. Just-..!" I stuttered , god why am i acting this way?.. - "Your looking beautiful today handsome~" I blushed slightly while i smiled softly. "Alright let's go now princess!" he giggled, gripping my hand as he led me to his motorbike. He placed me onto the motorbike , i was sitting behind Justin, i had wrapped my arms around his waist, gripping him tight, i soon felt something plop onto my head, i looked up and saw Justin staring at me - he had put a helmet on me.. "Th-Thanks.." i blushed, still holding his waist as he drove to a certain place.

When we got there, i had realised he brung me to my favourite cafe.. how did he know? He smiled as he hopped off the motorbike as he lend me his hand, i got off holding Justins hand as we walked into the cafe i was in shock as i saw the building decorated with my favourite flowers and some vines,, there weren't any crowds nor customers, soon the waiter walked to us asking "Good evening sir! may i ask if you are.. Justin Batofel?" Justin nodded, handing him his identification card. The waiter let us in as we sat down at the side of the cafe as i stared at Justin's bright shining eyes. "You- you asked to decorate my favourite cafe for our date?!" - "Yeah!"
I had felt butterflies in my stomach, blushing hard as i covered my face. "Trent.. you're adorable." I glared at him "No way!" I grumbled as i crossed my arms "Yeah whatever.. what do you wanna eat?" - "Cheesecake!!" I exclaimed, he smiled at me writing it down. When we finished ordering, me and Justin started to talk about some random shit, holding hands, playing random games etc.

"Clearly, im the hottest guy in the whole world!" Justin grinned , as I replied with "Can't say no to that!." We made eye contact for awhile I soon leaned over, kissing him as I quickly pulled away, his soft lips tasted like cherryblossom... Oh god did he like it or hate it?! I soon started to worry about it, Alot of things were going through my mind right now until Justin pulled me close and hugged me, soon comforting me since he most probably saw me stressing out. "I liked it." He mumbled.. "What?" I said, looking at him with a confused look as I raised a brow. "Trent. I liked that kiss, infact I loved it. Trent... do you wanna be my boyfriend?.." I stared at him for awhile, soon answering him with a "Yes!" I hugged him tight as we shared another kiss. Soon our food came and we ate the dishes while chatting, even feeding each-other our dishes, when we finished it was getting a bit late. We shared one more kiss as Justin dropped me off at my house, i waved goodbye to him. Smiling widely as I walked in..

Total drama gays! : 8:45P.M.

Trent: Hey guys!

Gwen: hey trent:)

Trent: leave me alone Gwen,,

Gwen: K whatever..

Courtney: Hello Trent!

Trent: Hi.
Guys could i make an annoucement? Its not rlly important tho

Courtney: go ahead!

Trent: Me and Justin are dating..


Eva: ^

Trent: Whats trustin?



Courtney: thats great Trent!!

Cody: ^

Harold: ^^

Owen: ^^^

Noah: ^^^^

Alejandro: ^^^^^

Tyler: ^^^^^^

Gwen: ^^^^^^^

Trent: Thanks guys:)



Harold: What its 4am why r we awake GOSH.

Justin: What

Trent: Huh..

Cody: Guys let's practice for our next performance!

Harold: Now?

Justin: Sorry mans i need my beauty rest.

Trent: I'll come

Cody: yayaya!! come to my house rnnnn!€!1!1!

A/N : im too lazy to write what they did at cody's house


I was on cody's couch, I was still half asleep kinda thought I was hugging the couch pillow, i soon opened my eyes and looked up too see Justin- He was here? Since when?! "Morning cutie." He grinned , hugging me tight as I just moved closer to him, cuddling him. "I came like a few hours ago, I woke Cody and Harold up, they went out to somewhere, so it's just us. Do you wanna go home? orrrrr" I didn't reply, soon closing my eyes and just continued to sleep. "I love you cutie." Justin whispered before i fell asleep.

A/N : RAHAHAHHAFWXVAJHVXV THEIR SO CUTEEEEE i might do an aleduncan chapter soon!!! EEEEE I LOVE THEMMMM 💞💞💞

Total drama gays! : 2:08P.M.

Ezekiel: YOYOYO EH HOWS IT GOIN DAWGS🥶🥶🥶🥶⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️🔥🔥🔥🔥

Heather: er

Courtney: Oh!!

@Duncan has removed @Ezekiel from the groupchat.

Courtney: The only time i'd thank you

Duncan: im so great

@Courtney has removed @Duncan from the groupchat.

@Alejandro has added @Duncan into the groupchat.

Duncan: man what did i do 💔💔

Harold: Things.. GOSH

Leshawna: Heya Babes xoxo!

Tyler: Hello

Lindsay: Oh!! Hi Noah!!!

Tyler: 😞

Chris: haha

Lindsay: Hey Kyle! Have you seen Tyler?

Chris: ...

Noah: ☠️☠️

Lindsay: Hi Nolan!

Heather: Noah be punching the air rn


Heather: tf it wasn't even funny

Noah: Owen buddy..

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