Part 2

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As the days went by, the two boys continued to admire each other from afar. They were too shy to approach one another but their glances and smiles were enough to fuel their growing affection.

One day, they found themselves in the same place at the same time – a local park where they both loved to spend their afternoons. They kept stealing glances at each other but didn't know how to start a conversation.

Suddenly, a small bird flew by and landed on a tree branch above their heads. It started to chirp and the boys looked up at it, smiling at each other. It was then that they both realized that they shared a love for nature and the little things in life.

Feeling a sudden rush of courage, the first boy asked the second if he would like to join him on a walk around the park. The second boy smiled shyly and agreed, and they started to walk side by side, talking about everything and nothing at the same time.

They walked around the park, admiring the different plants and animals that they encountered. They laughed and joked, and for a brief moment, all of their fears disappeared.

As the sun started to set and the park began to quiet down, the two boys sat on a bench and looked out at the beautiful view. They both knew that they had found something special in each other, something that they were afraid to lose.

Without saying a word, the first boy leaned over and gently kissed the second boy on the cheek. The second boy blushed and smiled, feeling a strange warmth in his heart.

In that moment, they knew that they had found a kindred spirit in each other, and that no matter what the future held, they would always have each other's backs.

Two boys who keep admiring each other from a farWhere stories live. Discover now