Comfort - 1

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Note: this event takes place during the investigation of the missing people and who the culprit could be (chapter 26 of the novel).

As well none of the characters belong to me and this is just purely a "what if" scenario.

After the accusation that Kim Hajin is a djinn and almost got into a brawl with Kim horak, which was stopped by Kim suho, Hajin had stormed out of the building angrily from the events that had just unfolded.


Hajin had left the building, walking into a field of grass surrounded by trees, he crouched down and started contemplating.

Hajin sighed with a hint of sadness in his voice

"Ha... what am I even doing at this point"

Droplets of water started to form upon Hajin's face, he had thought about how he suddenly got transported into his novel and fought with the characters he wrote about with love and compassion

"I'm getting sick of this, I want to go home, I want to see my parents and friends..."

Hajin had thought about all the memories he had made with his friends, family and loved ones, grabbing a batch of his hair, trying to hold back the tears in his eyes seemingly wanting to just let out all of the emotions and thoughts he had been piling up ever since he got here.

Hajin had questioned whether he could even go back to his world, the thought of itself seemed to be too much of a scary thought for him. He had let the tears flow down his face without even noticing, quietly breaking down.

Although unbeknownst to him, someone had followed him. A person had been staring silently with a look of remorse as they looked at Hajin from behind, not needing to look at Hajin's face directly, he could hear the quiet sobs coming from him.


The word was said with a tone of worry and Hajin quite shocked that someone followed him, quickly regained from his shocked composure, already knew who this person was just from their voice alone


Kim Suho had followed Hajin out of the building, although he didn't chase after him, he had slowly followed him wishing to apologize from what happened during the investigation meeting

Suho had witnessed something he had never thought he would see from Hajin... a side from Hajin that left him vulnerable and weak. Compared to Hajin during school days were he seems so cold and emotionless and always with a blank face on this was something new he had never seen before.

"Are you okay?"

"You can tell me what's wrong, if you're having troubles with something"

Suho looked at Hajin ready to help him out like a true friend albeit they weren't close, Suho was ready to help anyone in need (protagonist mindset smh)


Hajin was deep in thought when he had heard of Suho's words, he knew the nature and kindness of the main character he loved creating so much, maybe even a little too much, but nevertheless he knew he could trust him...

Hajin's mental state was the lowest it's ever been, if it wasn't for his perseverance stat he probably would have ended his life long ago

"no...  I'm not"

Stumbling on his own words, Hajin had trouble speaking in his usual blank tone


Suho looked at Hajin with some understanding of the situation and walked closer to him, whilst Hajin's back was still unturned, Suho had sat down on his knees and hugged Hajin by wrapping his arms around Hajin's waist

"You can explain what you want to me, if that's fine with you"

Suho said whispering into Hajin's right ear with a light and endearing smile not forcing Hajin to reveal anything if he didn't want to


Hajin being hugged by Suho made him blush a bit but he quickly got back down to earth after hearing Suho's kind and gentle words.
Hajin's tears fell from his eyes even more, fully breaking down

"I miss my family and friends"

Suho being a bit of a dunce asked the following

"Why can't you just visit them?"

Hajin then followed up with words that made Suho's eyes widen

"I can't... they're not here anymore"

Suho gaining the wrong interpretation believing that his family and friends had passed away

Suho's hug on Hajin tightened, comforting the quietly sobbing Hajin


After a few minutes had passed of Suho quietly listening to Hajin's sob story, Suho had noticed that Hajin had fallen asleep. It seemed all the crying had tired Hajin out.
(note: Hajin did not mention he wasn't from this world whilst telling Suho how stressed out and what he was going through or else that would ruin the plot)

Suho had opened his smartwatch and called Yeonha and the rest of the cast that was inside the building saying that he has to leave the meeting due to some technical reasons. Suho had glanced at the sleeping Hajin.

Since Suho didn't really know where Hajin had lived, he took it upon himself to bring Hajin back to his apartment and let him rest there for the night. Suho picked Hajin up bridal style and walked towards the student's dormitories.

He had always thought that picking someone up bridal style was the easiest way to carry someone, although he gained passing glances from students he didn't mind it much and kept on walking till he finally arrived at his dormitory

Since he was rank 1 he had gained the highest floor in the dormitory building. The room was rather big, in comparison to Hajin's dorm it was at least a hundred times bigger, from time to time even Suho felt lonely in such a big space. Although it was somewhat nice having company since Hajin was there.

Suho placed Hajin gently on right side of his king sized bed, contemplating whether he should change Hajin's clothes but decided against it since it was rather rude and he barely knew Hajin

But after listening to Hajin's story, he realized he should talk to Hajin more and comfort him whenever he was dealing with something. In other words he wanted to grow closer together into something like friends but maybe even a bit more...

Suho jokingly chuckled a bit and brushed the thought away quickly, he then quickly cleaned himself and hopped on the other side of the bed, away from Hajin.

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