Chapter twenty-nine: Stayin' Alive

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Romelle asked Kosmo, a wise and knowledgeable wolf, and Stats, a clever and observant larva to help her with the next word in the story.

"Hey, Kosmo and Stats!" Romelle called out excitedly. "I need your assistance. Can you tell me what the next word of this story should be?"

Kosmo hooted softly, its large eyes gleaming with wisdom while Stats wagged its duck body, eager to contribute. "Stats."

Romelle nodded, appreciating their unique perspectives. "That sounds wonderful. What's the sentence so far?"

Kosmo and Stats exchanged a knowing glance before Stats fluttered its wings gently. "The sentence thus far is: 'Romelle asked Kosmo and Stats to tell her the next word.'"

Romelle took a moment to ponder, then suggested, "Since we're incorporating animals in this story, how about something related to nature? Maybe the next word could be 'serene.'"

Kosmo tilted its head in contemplation, while Stats sniffed the air and observed their surroundings. After a moment, Kosmo hooted in agreement. "That's a splendid idea, Romelle. 'Serene' aligns well with the tranquil ambiance of the story. Let's proceed with it as the next word."

Stats wagged its tail vigorously, affirming the choice. "Stats!"

Romelle smiled, grateful for their input. "Thank you both! Your animal insights have been extraordinary. With your guidance, this story will truly come to life."

Kosmo and Stats beamed with satisfaction, glad to contribute to Romelle's creative endeavor. "You're most welcome, Romelle. We're delighted to assist you."

With the next word decided, Romelle continued writing her captivating story, weaving elements of nature and serenity into the narrative. The animals' contributions added a unique touch, making the story even more enchanting.

Just then, Romelle gets a call from Coran. "How are you, Princess? Are you almost at the Balmera?" He asked.

"I'm scheduled to arrive in just a few minutes. I hope I'm able to find a crystal big enough for the teludav," she sighed.

"Have you heard from the other Paladins?" Coran questioned.

"I had contact with Lance, Shiro, and Pidge a little bit ago. They've located Slav," Allura informed.

"What about Hunk-and-and Keith?" He asked, knowing she was upset about Keith being half Galra.

Romelle sighed. "I haven't heard from them yet. I'm worried about them."

"I'm sure they're fine," Coran said reassuringly. "They're a strong team, and they'll get through this."

Romelle nodded, but she couldn't help but worry. She knew that Keith and Hunk were strong, but they were also facing a powerful enemy. She just hoped that they would be okay.

"I'm going to go check on the other Paladins," Coran said. "I'll let you know if I hear anything."

"Thanks, Coran," Romelle said. She watched him go, then turned back to her story. She knew that she had to finish it, not just for herself, but for Keith and Hunk. They needed to know that they were not alone, and that they would always have someone to fight for them.

She took a deep breath and continued writing in her journal that Shiro has and gave it to her.

She soon reached Onyxland, landing at the pod before coming out and going over to Shay's family. "Onyxland welcomes your return, Romelle," the grandmother said.

"Romelle, did Hunk accompany you?" Shay asked hopefully.

"I'm sorry, Shay, but I've come alone. The others are on missions of their own, collecting important elements that we need to defeat Zarkon," Romelle informed with a smile, surprising them.

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