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This is a script from my English Project

Alt. Ending where Romeo is not as much of an idiot, but w/ a major plot twist

Romeo is standing over Juliet's "corpse"

Romeo: Even while dead, your face remains rosy and beautiful as ever, it's as if you're still here.

Romeo tears up

Romeo: There was only one thing I ever kept from you, something that I waited every minute and every hour to say, but didn't tell. I could never bring up enough confidence to say it. I just wish I could have told you before this happened to you.

Romeo closes his eyes and kneels, resting his head on the edge of the stone bed, he holds onto her hands while crying.

Romeo: I might as well tell you now, since you're gone. I... I'm...

Juliet is awake, but doesn't move. She lays there, listening to Romeo's confession.

Romeo: I'm a woman.

Juliet gasps in surprise and falls off of the bed, next to Romeo.
Romeo's eyes go wide as she stutters about Juliet being alive. She immediately tries to get up and escape the tomb, but falls from tripping over Paris' very dead legs. Romeo gives up and just lays on the floor.

Juliet: What is your name? It is not Romeo, i'm sure.
Romeo → Romana: My name is Romana. Now let me die in peace, Juliet.

Juliet: I will not let that happen. We are still married, you know!

Romana: Oh sure, i'll stay alive for you to humiliate me in front of the whole city. What a fool I was, pretending to be a man.

Juliet: Why did you not tell me this secret before?
Romana: I feared that you would not love me anymore, for we are both women.
Juliet: Why would I not love you? I love you because you are a good person, not because you were a man. I would not marry someone whose personality is poor, that would destine me to be a miserable housewife.

Romana is crying, not out of sorrow, but out of joy that her love has not abandoned her. She rushes back over to Juliet, but suddenly has a dreadful thought.

Romana: What shall we do now? I cannot pretend to be a man any longer, my father has already revealed my secret. Not only that, but people would still condemn our love because of our families.
Juliet: Then we shall run away together, to a place where the people wouldn't care that we were two women in love! We need to get going, let's go!

Romana and Juliet rush off to pack their things in secret, quickly renting a horse and a map of the lands.

Romana: My love, i'm so incredibly grateful that the heavens let you hear my words. This is the beginning of a new life for us, I feel that we will live happily together.

Juliet: I have the same feeling. Come now, let us leave this city. I've already marked places on the map to rest at.

Juliet kisses Romana. They ride off into the sunrise, living happily ever after.

(This is the first and last chapter of this story. Hope you enjoyed.)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2023 ⏰

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