Just Doing My Part 💢💥

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Slight 💅Zoey x Drew🐻
Cop AU:
🕵‍♂️Detective Drew🐻
👮UndercoverCop Jake🎤
🦹🏼‍♀️Criminal Zoey💅
👮‍♀️Lieutenant Hailey👩‍🎤
👮‍♀️Officer Millie
👨🏿‍💻Informant Sean🎛🎚
👮‍♂️Officer Zander🎹
👮‍♂️Officer Luke 🎶
A known infamous criminal named Zoey has been known to pick pocket and steal expensive jewelry and money from rich guests in Ball gatherings. Lieutenant Hailey has order an arrangement between two people for the case; Jake and Drew. Hailey knows that they are good partners for this case because of their past history of working together, they have good chemistry! Detective Drew is not so fond with working with other officers in the department... But, when with Jake they are able to get the job done with no fuss! Notifying the duo that they are working together once again, the pair is headed off to do their task.

   -<◇>-{Time Skip}‐<◇>-

An event gathering for the wealthy and power are all in one space. Both Drew and Jake went in undercover, wearing luxurious dapper suits fitting in with other aristocratic. The two stepping inside and taking it all in, looked around to see their suspect. "I've got a plan. If you find or see her let me know." Drew says seriously as he then begins to walks away into the crowd of upperclassmen and women. Jake then proceeds to do the same as Drew, going their separate ways to find this suspected criminal that is suppose to show up to the ball. Jake struggling from trying to find this criminal, gives up and heads back to go find Drew instead. While searching for Detective Drew, he manages to find him! But... with someone else.... It's that criminal Zoey! I guess he found her first. He grabs a drink from the waiters that were strolling around with wine and other delicacy, getting himselfa tasteful champagne. He then watches the show before him to begin, intrigued of what will happen.

Drew's 3rd POV

Slithering through the crowds trying to find one particular person in a huge event filled with hundreds or thousands of people, wasn't easy. He skims through the crowd looking for this Zoey criminal, scouting for a blonde with pink tips. Unintentionally, while looking for her, he manages to bump into someone, making contact with that person he looks over to apologize. Then he recognizes this figure... It was their suspect! He then quickly readjusted himself, "Oh- I'm sorry ma'am. I wasn't looking." He politely pardons himself. "Ah- That's okay.!" She says distractedly as she looks around as if there is something missing or lost. She then disregards whatever she is looking for and glances back towards Drew, full attention on him. She then moves closer to Drew, body in close proximity, her body against his own, falling leaning into him. He holds onto her forearms as she puts her hands onto his chest. "Wanna dance?" She innocently asks, fluttering her eyelids, then half lidded with a hint of mischievous play in her smile that almost looks like lopsided smirk. "I would love that, my dear." He says playing into her little game. He then guides a hand down to her waist as he then respectful, formally takes her hand to dance. The pair dancing to the music, going along with the musical flow of the rhythm. Zoey head leans forward onto his chest, falling onto his shoulder. She smiles as closes her eyes enjoying the moment. Drew continues his movement, looking down at her, viewing one side of her face that is shown. He blankly stares, somewhat bored of this classical melody. He proceeds do a little more action, the hand on the waist going up and directing her head to him. She stares with lovey-dovey eyes, almost heart filled eyes like she is in love. He shakes that idea off knowing it's apart of her scheme. Once the music finish the pair stops dancing, as the stay in their exact same position. Zoey head coming in, closer to Drew's face. Zoey then presses a kiss onto him as she then grab onto his face to deepen their kiss. Drew stands there unable to break away from the kiss, just standing there playing along, he doesn't do anything allowing her to continue while he doesn't put any effort to the kiss. The kiss feels bland, he is very uninterested in her but just plays along. Separating apart, Zoey they parts ways. But that's when Drew stops her, "I think we are both missing something." He says, not explaining further. She turns to glance at him again, "Hm? What do you mean, Grape Boy" The blonde says confused, although it was fake given her body expression says other wise. "I've got your bracelet and I know you got my necklace." He says as he then pulls out a bracelet from his pocket. Zoey looks at her wrist then looks back up, "Ah, you caught me, Grape boy! You want a reward?" She mocking sneers as then full body turns towards him. "Yes. I would like my necklace back." He states. "Y'know what I want back? My heart that you stolen from me." She comments flirtatiously. "Hm, I'm not sure if I can give you your heart back but I can give you your bracelet." Drew blandly plays along. "Is that so? Well then, may I get something else in return for a replacement for my heart? Possible a kiss?" The blond proposes. Drew thinks for a moment then internal sighs as he then proceeds to give her a quick peck on the cheek before backing away. "Alright, I gave you a kiss. Now, can I please have my necklace?" A bit impatience showing from Drew. Zoey nods as she tosses him back his jewelry as Drew does the same back. Drew then held onto her hand, not letting her leave let as they need to arrest her. "Before you go I need to take you somewhere" He responds. "Alright lead the way." She says reluctantly. The duo then begin to leave the crowd.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2023 ⏰

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