♡ Chapter 1 ♡

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        Nerissa laid next to Portia under the covers holding each other close.  She tangled her fingers in her lover's beautiful red hair.  To her Portia was like the sun, as she shone greatly like a goddess in her eyes. She was grateful to be by her side.
     She knew they would never get to experience such a peaceful moment once again after the casket test. For Portia would have to marry Bassanio, a man of lowly riches and looks. As he is the last one to choose.  So Nerissa attempted to enjoy the bliss that wasn't going to be there tomorrow. Not wanting to ruin her love's joy.

      They stared deeply into each other's eyes lovingly. Pressing their foreheads together, whispering sweet nothings. Portia grasped her hair, pulling her into a gentle kiss. Her lips were smooth and soft against hers. Nerissa smiled into the kiss as she kissed back.  She wanted to stay there forever,  with their limbs entangled and in her arms. It felt safe when she was held by Portia, like they were in their own little person bubble. 

       She pulled away from her sweet lips, although she ached to continue to kiss her. To appease her desires, she kissed her forehead. Cupping her face gently in her hands, she held their foreheads together once again. Nerissa's previous thoughts came back to her. Souring her mood oh so evidently. 

       "Love, why are you so gloomy? Tell me please. It hurts me to see you so troubled." Portia whispered. Worried as she was, she already had suspicions for why her love was sad. For she is not stupid, the future was near and it wasn't going to be pretty.

       "Oh Portia, I wish we could stay like this. But you must marry that poor fellow, by your father's word." She mumbled out. "I fear he may separate us." Nerissa sighed, wanting to go back to the comfortable silence they had before. Her eyes began to water at the thought of not seeing her love. A single tear travelled down her face, and more fell after it.

       "Do not worry, he shouldn't separate us dear. For he doesn't know of us, nor does any of my other suitors." She gathered Nerissa's tears with her thumb, whipping them away. Portia kissed her soft cheek. She traced shapes into the small of her back attempting to sooth her.

         She tucked her head away into Portia's shoulder. Wrapping her arms around her, pulling them closer together. " I love you so much." Words slightly muffled by the cloth.

         Portia chuckled a bit." I love you too Nerissa. With out a doubt, no man could ever be as lovely as you." She brushed her nimble fingers through her beautiful black hair. They fell asleep like that, holding each other as close as possible. They weren't looking forward for tomorrow.


A/N: This was written for one of my friends. I hope you like it! I'll probably update it every once and a while. For I don't use Wattpad often.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2023 ⏰

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