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the grisha orders your character can be part of!


Corporalki, singular: Corporalnik, or the Order of the Living and the Dead, are Grisha whose power focuses on the human body

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Corporalki, singular: Corporalnik, or the Order of the Living and the Dead, are Grisha whose power focuses on the human body. The order is divided into three different powers: Heartrenders, Healers, and Tailors. They wear a crimson red colored kefta. Corpsewitches and Tailors only became Corporalnik through recent laws. Corpsewitches are extremely rare, the only known one in history is Nina Zenik who was a former Heartrender and only known survivor of the drug Jurda Parem. The Corporalki are led by Genya Safin. Heartrenders are one of the most feared Grisha types and considered the most valuable. Healers manipulate the human body by healing wounds. Tailors were not considered Corporalki until Genya Safin became a member of the Grisha Triumvirate, now all Corporalnik are taught tailoring lessons. Corporalki in the Second Army are considered the most valuable soldiers.


Etherealki, singular: Etherealnik, or the Order of the Summoners, are Grisha whose power is to summon and manipulate different elements

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Etherealki, singular: Etherealnik, or the Order of the Summoners, are Grisha whose power is to summon and manipulate different elements. The order is divided into three different powers: Squallers, Inferni, and Tidemakers. Etherealki are loosely referred to as Summoners. The Sun Summoner and the Shadow Summoner are also considered Etherealki. They wear blue keftas, with different embroidered colors to show if they are a Squaller, Inferni, or Tidemaker. Sun Summoners wear a blue kefta with gold embroidery. The Etherealki are led by Zoya Nazyalensky. Squallers can create storms, gusts, and manipulate objects. They wear blue keftas embroidered with silver details. Inferni can summon fire but they need a flint to make the spark. They wear a blue kefta with red embroidered details. Tidemakers manipulate temperature to summon water. They wear blue keftas with light blue details.


Materialki, singular: Materialnik, or the Oder of the Fabrikators, are Grisha whose powers focus on materials such as: metal, glass, textiles, and chemicals

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Materialki, singular: Materialnik, or the Oder of the Fabrikators, are Grisha whose powers focus on materials such as: metal, glass, textiles, and chemicals. The order is divided into two different groups: Durasts and Alkemi. Collectively, they are referred to as Fabrikators. Despite being looked down upon by both other Grisha orders during The Darkling's rule, Fabrikators have created great innovations for Ravka. Some examples include: Materialki corecloth, Grisha steel, Fabrikator glass, blasting powders, luminya, a type of liquid fire, and several other inventions. The Materialki wear purple keftas. They were represented by David Kostyk. Their current representative is Leoni. Durasts deal with solids. They wear a purple kefta with gray details. Alkemi specializes in poisons, blasting powders, and other chemicals. They wear purple keftas with red embroidered details. Materialki were once considered the lowest ranking Grisha order meaning they were not trained as combat soldiers in the Second Army. However under the rule of the Grisha Triumvirate, they have started to be trained and have become a valuable asset to the Second Army.

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