(1) The day we meet again

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lili.in3027: @chae_roses Miss the coachella show already!😭

purr.rubyjenn, jisoocraze, bearwithseulgi, and 105,789 others

Purr.rubyjen: Wish I can attend the coachella too🥲
↪️ lili.in3027: Miss you and Jisoo too!
↪️ jisoocraze reply to lili.in3027: Have a fun time in California girlies💕

bearwithseulgi : Miss our time in New York, also miss your moment with the boy in the museum😝
↪️ lili.in3027 : shut up we didn't even talkeddd😒😤

Other comments.....

~ Seulgiwithbear
< Girly let's visit again the museum🙈

> Stop with your corny jokes 🙄
I don't even know that guy

~ Seulgiwithbear
< Maybe he will be the one for you.
< Anyways it's about finding a lover. He
Said to me we should visit again
The museum because the last time
We went there is not that much a lot
of things going around and tommorow we
should visit again

> Okk fine.... maybe it would be
worth a visit again.
[Left on read]

(The other day)

"Where is the guy who owns this museum?"
Lisa said to Seulgi furiously

"Just wait he would be here in minutes-"

"Are you guys talking about me?"
A deep voice man came towards Lisa and Seulgi

"So you are the one who owns this..." Lisa said to the man

"Yes, I am Kim Taehyung, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too! I am Lisa and she is Seulgi."

"By the way do you guys want to have a little tour in this room?" Taehyung questions the two girls

"Yes we would like to."

"Okay then let's start going." Taehyung said and start to explain his portraits, landscapes, and his sculpture.

(Some of his paintings feels like I am with them...) Lisa said to her head

"Lastly this is my favorite painting, it is about a girl in the village but I never went to that place nor I know the girl, I just have dreams about her. Maybe it was a memory from my past." Taehyung said while looking at Lisa.

(The girl looks like me or maybe I am exaggerating it.") Lisa said to herself again

"Hello Lisa?" Seulgi said to Lisa

"Oh why?"

"Taehyung want to say something to you"

"Oh hahahaha what is it?"

"May I get any of your social media account of you both, sometimes we have events and a discount if you would like to buy one of my paintings and you may ask why because I cant contact you immediately. "

"Alright my Instagram is '@lili.in3027' and Seulgi is '@seulgiwithbear', looking forward about it."

"Thank you, anyways our time is over so I will say my goodbye to both of you and thank you for visiting the museum, I hope you will come back again." Taehyung said to them and left the place.

"Take a picture of me here!" Lisa giggled at Seulgi

"Okay okay."

"Done taking the picture, post them and tag me." Seulgi laughed at Lisa

"Okay fine."


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lili.in3027 : At the museum 😚 @seulgiwithbear

kim_thv, seulgiwithbear, jisoocraze and 129,091 others

kim_thv : Hoping to see you soon again💚
↪️ lovebeinganartist :Omg it's Taehyung!😍
↪️ 2730paintings :Taehyung what are you doing here?🤭

jisoocraze : who is that guy?🤨
↪️ seulgiwithbear : New York boy🙀



Taehyung already followed and liked my post." Lisa said to Seulgi

"Wait really? He followed you"

"Yes take a look"

"He looks rich" Seulgi said to Lisa

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"He looks rich" Seulgi said to Lisa

"Absolutely like he owns a museum."

"By the way I have to study tommorow for my college finals so I will go now. Bye Lisa!"

"Alright bye."

Lisa sat on a bench outside the museum and scroll at her phone. While she is viewing other post a messege pops on her phone.

< Goodevening Lisa, right?

> Yes this is Lisa, why?

< Are you outside?

> Yeah why?

< Have you eaten yet? If not will
you want to eat at the restaurant near by the museum?

> I'm kinda hungry so sure😋
[ kim_thv heart your messege ]

&quot;Till we meet again&quot; Where stories live. Discover now