Chapter 1

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A gray wolf lay flat on the ground, looking up at its owner. Cecilia, the owner of the wolf and this grand mansion, gently stroked the wolf's forehead as she observed the new maid. Wolves were naturally untamable creatures, but Cecilia had an exceptional talent for taming the wild. Not only with animals but also with people.

"Am I scary?"

Cecilia's pronunciation was slightly different from the mainland. It was soft and elegant, yet firm. Perhaps it was because she had retained the habit of speaking French during her long study abroad. According to rumors, Cecilia had spent a long time studying abroad in France to learn trading skills from her father when she was young. What did she learn in France? Was her graceful attitude and smile something she acquired there? The new maid, Ariel, lifted her head to answer Cecilia's question.

"No, My Lady. It's just that I'm scared of dogs."

"If you're going to stay with me, you should get to know each other better. His name is Jackal."

"It sounds cool, but a little scary."

Just like you, My Lady. Ariel added silently in her mind. She wasn't particularly fond of animals, especially dogs that only obeyed their owners. In contrast to her, Cecilia looked at Jackal with a loving gaze, as if cherishing him.

As Cecilia got up from her seat, Jackal, who had been lying down, also stood up and followed his owner with slow steps. The sound of her golden heels tapping on the floor was pleasant to hear. It seemed like there were bells attached to the back of her shoes. Ariel found herself unintentionally looking at Cecilia's calves, but quickly lowered her gaze when Cecilia approached her abruptly.

"Take it. This is the maid's uniform you'll be wearing from now on."

Cecilia threw the clothes that had been hanging on the sofa. The color was dull, and the sleeves were wide. The large pockets made it look comfortable for work.

"Thank you. I'll change into it quickly and come back."

"You can change here, can't you?"


"Exactly as I said."

Cecilia, sitting on the velvet chair, looked at Ariel with a relaxed but assertive attitude, as if she had no intention of compromising on her decision.

Ariel briefly pondered this demeaning working environment while holding the maid's uniform. Working as a maid in this house meant she could earn 100 nits a month, which was three times more than her previous job. There were times when she had to undress in front of a male supervisor and show that she didn't have any concealed weapons hidden, in some households.

Compared to that, undressing in front of a woman... It should have been easy, but Cecilia's gaze didn't allow Ariel to think that way. Ariel intuitively knew that Cecilia, her new mistress, disliked having to answer twice. It was a keen sense she had acquired while serving numerous masters.

Ariel cautiously began unbuttoning her blouse. Button by button, the blouse gradually opened up, but Cecilia's expression remained unchanged. As Ariel took off her outer garments, she felt the cool air against her back. She purposely maintained a composed expression, trying not to show her embarrassment. Ariel had made a vow to endure any hardship when she fled from her previous owner to this mansion.

Ariel thought it was about enough and looked at Cecilia, asking to be dismissed, but Cecilia's gaze was telling her to remove everything, even her underwear. After hesitating for a moment, Ariel finally unfastened her undergarments and placed them on the floor. Despite her thin body due to not having enough to eat, her muscles had become firm from her long years as a maid. Ariel used her hand to awkwardly cover her chest and looked at Cecilia. Finally, Cecilia stood up from her seat and approached Ariel, slowly scanning her body.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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