The evening 1

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Instead of visiting the Avengers, I just kinda...well I...okay you got me, I invited Natasha to a dinner in my favourite restaurant in Berlin.

So in the afternoon, me, Peter and Happy took my jet to Berlin where Happy drove us to a hotel where me and Peter checked in after we bought some food for him.

So then we sat down there and I was company when Peter ate his kids Pizza, after that, I put him to bed since he was still very tired and I sneaked to the closet to change into a beautiful suit and bought flowers.

I took my car to the restaurant and when I stopped my car to step out to the entrance, I saw Natasha and my heart felt like it stopped for a second, she looked breathtakingly beautiful.

The red dressed hugged her perfectly and the black, tight coat looked like it was made for her.

Her heels made her look taller than normal but she was still about 3 inches smaller than me.

I put my hands into my pockets nervously and straightened my coat, I slipped off my sunglasses and walked towards her.

She saw me and smiled into my direction, I took out the flowers from behind my back and gave them to her, "You look truly beautiful" I said and she blushed "You look sharp as well, Mr Stark".

I smiled nervously and thanked her, then, we walked inside and I told the waiter my name and he walked us to the table.

I pulled out her chair for her and she stroked my arm and thanked me.

Before that, I helped her out of her coat and I put mine away as well.

I sat down and watched her in silence, she fiddled around with her hands and I tried to start a conversation "Thanks for uhhh...being here tonight and accepting my invitation"

She smiled and said "Sure,'s Peter?", I smiled "Oh right, he's uhh...he's good" I nodded and continued "He is very sleepy lately because of all the jet lags".

She nodded and then we ordered our food, after some time in silence, I needed to ask her that question.

"So uhmmmm....I need to ask you something, uhhh...when we were at the police department, you said that you well couldn't deny that you have feelings for me too, and I uhhhh...we're you serious?" I asked while looking straight into her eyes.

She licked her lips and watched me closely "Yes, I did mean that Tony" she whispered and I made a first uhhh...well...move.

I brought my right hand up the table and slowly slid it towards her hand, she shyly touched my finger and then laid her hand onto mine, it was warm, comforting.

I gulped and blushed, but she continued looking sweetly into my eyes.

Ironwiddow and Spiderson (one-shot book) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt