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It was a cold and moonless night, nobody was out and wandering at this time. No one had even dared to cross the Vampire's territory. It was much too high a risk. Beau Damaris had just become the new King after monstrous humans murdered his father. The Kingdom did not tolerate humans, everyone despised them. Even the wolves hated them. Many humans hunted vampires throughout the years because they were afraid of being preyed on, the royals were justifiably enraged by this.

The nymphs and fairies had a whole other territory; they loved nature and its majestic creatures and were peaceful overall. They operated differently than the Vampire Kingdom, they didn't mind humans coming to their side because they respected each other. One little fairy was missing from the clan, she had dark flowy hair that cascaded down her back and her wings were a creamy white color, soft to the touch, and fluttered each time she walked. Truthfully, she was never taught how to fly.

No other fairies even knew who she was, they only thought she was a stray—technically she was, but she was an orphaned fairy. There were no parents or parental figures for this poor fairy, she always found shelter in small cottages but never a permanent home. This fairy's name is Maeve Holloway, and she enjoys wandering around the little gardens in each nymph field. Though, nobody knew her, they were all very nice to her and let her explore wherever she wanted.


Maeve is sitting in the field, having a little picnic by herself and the weather is just divine. She had a little basket and blanket out. The food consists of strawberries, crepes, and just fruits. She loved eating fruit, they were sweet and not artificial like other things might be.

"Mmm..." Maeve hummed in delight, biting into the strawberry crepe.

The field is just a mile away from the kingdom, she kept glancing at it, debating if she should walk over. Anyway, she was planning on making her way towards the kingdom. She packed her stuff up, huffed out a sigh, and began walking over.

The guards at the front gates stood tall and looked down at the small girl, to them she looked harmless. They let her in and she began walking through the halls, a taller woman greeted Maeve with a smile but she was caught off-guard and jumped, accidentally knocking over a vase.

"O-Oh my gosh! I-I'm so sorry! Let me help clean that up.... Oh goodness, me...w-what if the king banishes me? Or worse, what if he beheads me?!"

"It's alright, dear. I'm the King's maid, it's my job to clean any mess that's made." The maid then cleans up the broken vase and throws away the pieces.

Maeve apologizes again and is brought to tears by her mistake and swears to the maid that she will never miss her steps ever again. The maid only laughs it off and tells her it's fine and that it didn't matter, that the king didn't like that vase anyway.

Little did they know that the King was right around the corner, watching them...or more specifically watching the fairy. Beau was intrigued by the girl, he wanted to go over and make her follow him into the throne room but he wouldn't do that...yet. He watched as Maeve bursted into tears and begged the maid for mercy, he found it adorable. With light, daring steps, Beau made it over to the two ladies and leaned against the doorway, staring the smaller woman down.

The maid heard the King's steps and immediately bowed and excused herself, leaving Maeve and Beau alone. Maeve avoided eye contact with the king and just as the maid had bowed, she did the same—out of respect.

"Who might you be, little fairy?"

Maeve looked up and stammered a reply and then turned red out of embarrassment.

"Hmm? I couldn't hear you," He teased her slightly, enjoying the effect he had on her. It was quite cute.

"M-Maeve...My name is Maeve, y-your majesty." She stuttered out, lowering her head as she kept her position.

"That's a beautiful name. I'm Beau Damaris, the King." The King took hold of Maeve's hand and kissed the palm of it, his eyes trailing up towards hers.

Maeve watched as Beau's lips made contact with her hand and blushed profusely, she wanted so badly to stay there and let him do what he wanted with her but she had only just met him and she didn't want to be a mistress or an adultress. She didn't even know if he was married or not, though she did not see a wedding ring on his left hand.

As Beau let go of her hand, he examined her, noticing her tear stained cheeks and reddened eyes. He wanted to wipe her tears away and replace them with tears of joy but he had to make her trust him first before trying anything. He knew when he laid his eyes on her, he wanted her. He was going to have her.

"Do you have a home? I can provide you a room for yourself here. We have plenty of rooms in this castle so you don't have to worry about anything." He smiled down at her, a soft look in his dark eyes.

"Really? I would be so thankful for you—for that! Oh, thank you, your majesty—"

"Just Beau," He interrupted her, telling her what to refer to him as.

Truthfully, he's never given anyone permission to call him by his name but with her it felt different. He took a liking to her quite quickly. He knew nothing about her but he wanted to know her. He had an overwhelming urge to protect her, shower her with gifts, give her affection whenever he pleased.

"R-Right, I apologize, your m-majesty—I mean, Beau."

"I'll have the maids take you up to your new room right now, I will be in my throne room. I'll see you tomorrow." And just like that, Beau walked away from the timid fairy and left her by herself as she tried to process all that's happened.

Just as he promised, the maids had come to take Maeve to her room. Curious, she sat on the bed and felt the covers and noted how soft and feathery it was. She could just lay down and sleep for eternity if she so pleased.

"If you need anything, just ring us, miss." With that, the maids quickly made their way out of the room and let her settle into her new home.

New home. New life. Maeve could not believe that the king let her stay just like that. It was almost as if she was dreaming and if she really was dreaming, she didn't want to ever wake up.

This was just the beginning.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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