The Light of Night

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Hi, so my name is Luna Heavens. I'm the elder sister. You'll find out about the younger one next chapter, but for now, this is me.

I look like the picture above. If you can't see it, pretty much I just have blonde hair and grey-blue eyes.

I'm a witch, practicing mostly in light magick, such as healing incantations, and working with light creatures (unicorns, fairies, things like that).

White roses usually grow either around me, or around my feet.

I'm a kind girl, and love helping others.

I'm also the one who is writing the fanfics or other stories (unless said otherwise).

That's about it. I am planning/thinking about writing about me and my sister's pasts. Just for fun, ya know?

Anyways! That's all loves, Bye!!!

Guten Nacht, Luna

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