Chapter 20

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Just then, I feel someone grab me by the sleeve of my jacket. "Hey! Who's there!?" I shriek.
"Katrina! It's just me," Damien says. "Why is it so dark? Where are the others?" Those are my questions exactly.
"We're over here," I hear Charlotte yell out. "Follow my voice!" I can also hear Hayes and Lilah talking over there. Damien helps me get up, and we wiggle our way through what seems to be a narrow, pitch-black hallway.

I wave and flail my hand in front of me, watching out — or should I say, feeling — for any walls I could accidentally run into, when I accidentally slap someone in the face. "Ow!" Lilah yells out. "Watch where you're going!"
"I obviously can't!" I yell out. Charlotte grabs me by the hand and Lilah grabs hers, while Hayes holds Damien's arm.
"Alright," Hayes says. "This is Sector 6.. and I'm not very familiar with it." I hear Damien and Lilah murmuring, while I tap my foot in anxiety. If Hayes didn't know much about this Level, then how could anyone else?
"All I know is that we're in a pitch-black maze, where any sources of light won't even light up your own feet. So we can't lose each other in here, at ANY cost. Understood?" I nod, not that anyone can see it. "Finally, if you hear whispering of any sorts, Do. Not. Listen. This Sector manipulates your sanity through lack of vision. We'll have to drink Almond Water here as well. Are you ready?"
No one responds immediately.
"Uhh.. I guess.." Damien says, breaking the silence. I'm definitely not ready, but I just wanted to get over it.
"I'm sure we'll be fine," whispers Charlotte to me, as we begin walking and looking out for walls we could run into on accident. "Just drink up if you ever feel.. insane, I guess" she giggles. We're running out of Almond water, and we only have about 4 bottles left, normal water which probably wouldn't be useful, and our weapons.
"I believe entities reside here, too," says Hayes. "But they're rare and just as blind as us. We just need to avoid them." He pulls out what can only be the RadiantScan and pushes a few buttons, until the small red arrow appears again, only lighting up the screen in a slight red glow. "Let's get a move on."

The air is cold and ominous, especially with the lack of lighting, and the stench of drying paint and water fills the darkness. Even after listening to Hayes's claims, I still attempt to turn on my flashlight, but of course, it changes absolutely nothing. Hayes and Charlotte instruct us to stay agains the wall, which reminds me of memories from Sector 0, leaving a bad taste in my mouth. The wall feels like concrete, smooth and cold. Again, the lack of visuals makes my paranoia begin to rise.

About 1 hour into the journey, I immediately notice that something is wrong. Damien, who is now behind me, begins to loosen his grasp. "Hey.. does anyone else hear that?" Silence. "Someone is whispering.."
I know what that means. I grab him by the wrist tightly, making sure he doesn't wander off. "What are you talking about? I don't hear.." Just then, I begin hearing something as well.

"Katrina.." I recognize that voice a little. Adrian. "Katrina.. you left me.." he whispers.
I suddenly stop in my tracks as soon as I hear it.
"Adrian..?" I mutter. I can feel the others turning back to look at me.
"Katrina, no," says Charlotte. "Whatever you're hearing.. it's not real."
A tear rolls down my cheek, when the voice begins getting louder. "You left me.. to die!"

"No..! I'm sorry.. I had no choice!" I begin shaking in a mix of fear and sorrow, sobbing quietly. Charlotte and Damien both get closer to me and put their arms around me. "Hey! It's okay," says Charlotte. "It's not him, here,"
I hear Hayes's footsteps get closer, muffled by the continuous whispers of Adrian's last words. "I hate you! I hate you!" It yells out.

Suddenly, I feel the mouth of a bottle up to my lips. "Here, drink up," whispers Hayes. "It'll make you feel better, I promise." The Almond Water begins sloshing down my throat slowly, and I savor it. As soon as I feel it has gone down completely, the whispers disappear. It had been a while since I heard Adrian's voice. The boy who had helped me probably the most, gone too soon, he is still with me.

THE BACKROOMS: Mystery of the Shrouded HallsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora