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Today is the day we are finally leaving this country. I have always wished for this since I was little hearing all my friends leaving this country, and here I am also leaving.

I must say leaving this country and interacting with people other than your race feels exciting and makes me a little nervous. Okay, I'm lying. I am nervous as hell

It's not like I haven't had an interaction with a white person before. I had one when I was in primary school, but it didn't go too well. That kid tried biting me. God knows what his deal was.

Here, we are packing our stuff into the car with my parents and siblings. My younger sister Deborah should be the most excited she couldn't sleep all night. That is what she ever spoke about since our parents told us we are leaving this country.

"Sarah, make sure your siblings don't forget anything it's your responsibility if anything is forgotten." My mum yells

"Of course, it always is my responsibility."
I murmured

Jeez, they aren't kids anymore. Deborah is ten for God's sake. And Dammy isn't any younger.

We all got into the car, and my dad started driving towards the airport. I can't help but stare out the window, imagining how life over there would be like.will it be better than how it was in Nigeria?

Don't quote me wrong. My life here wasn't all that bad. Growing up I was an average student and had few friends I always avoided trouble but trouble always find it's way towards you.But aside that my life was pretty average and boring.i can't help but crave for excitement once in a while.But what can I do the perks of growing up with strict parents.

"Sarah" a voice called, snapping me out of my thought.

"What?" I asked, turning to look at my younger brother.

"I'm just wondering how high school life would be like, you know, maybe I could be one of the cool kids. With this looks I could fit in, yeah, I could definitely be."
He says

"You wish," I say, facing the window

"To look like me,"he completed

.admit it  I would fit in properly . unlike you" He says with that stupid look on his face that makes me want to punch him.

"Idiot." I said while facing the window back

"It is only paining you because you know I am finer than you." He said, then stuck out his tongue




"Is that all you know how to say?"

"The both of you should stop shouting. I am trying to play a game here." Deborah said while looking at her tablet.

"Just shut up no one was talking to you."
Dammy said angrily

"You are spitting."

"Can't you all do without fighting?" My mum said from the front seat

"You, Deborah, you are the one meant to be controlling them. Instead, you are instigating it. Act your age for once. "

"Sorry, ma." I said in response.

And the rest of the car ride was silent

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2023 ⏰

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