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"You are dark. Like you are always embraced by darkness. So you would be called Krishna.. Shyama"his mother heard it from Rishi Garg and smiled.

Thankfully no bad eye would ever fall on him..

But darkness followed him everywhere. It felt like he was this giant magnet,and pulled everything bad towards himself. May be that was his destiny..

Tied on trees by his mother,he freed two Gandharvas. Killing demons,he freed their souls. He played with darkness like it was his only friend..

No matter who it was,he smiled. Sweetly. Playing around,goofing around with his friends,brother,he moved. Then left,to free his parents. Fought wars,build a home called Dwaraka..

Then came the war called Mahabharat.. He did not pick weapon. Yet only he died. Cursed by the Queen mother of Hastinapur,he bowed to Nature. Accepted the curse to keep a mother's word.

Her heart must be hurting for her sons,right..

Then he watched,as his family danced along with same ignorance. Before Mahabharat war of Kurukshetra,they were proud,but proud warriors. But after that they let go of everything good. Dharma had prevailed. Then if they donot enjoy,who would enjoy..

But they did not see,what Kauravas were at their peak,due to Sakuni's guidance,they had become that with their own hands..

Dwarakadhish..Shree Krishna..
Jadupati.. Countless names..


But he longed to go to that Maiyaa. His Yasoda Maiyaa. He longed to feel that pull on his ear when he stole butter. Yet she would unhesitantly give everything up for him. He longed for those friends who would dance along as he played flute..

He longed for his calves. Even the cows under whose belly he used to hide. His life was that simple..

His wives knew. So they tried to take some time out of their own lives. Their sons, daughters, grandchildren and great grandchildren. The palaces,the works,the management.. Thousands of works they had.. And what to do about him,who has no work? Even the fans around him work on their own.. So he would be happy too. In his own palace,in his garden. Amongst the flowers and swing..

Someone came,with a simple robe. He smiled. Wearing it,tieing the cloth on his forehead,he put down that crown and walked out.. He saw them,wearing the clothes of simple designs. He was little surprised. What happened to them today? Suddenly giving up on things they like?

Still he smiled seeing their childish acts. They looked like naughty children trying to sneak out,cheating adults. So he too acted along. And they ran..

As they stood outside the gates of the city,they bursted into laughter..

He looked at those smiles.. No matter what happened in the future,he would try his best to protect them,he vowed in his heart..

Looking at the queens of  palaces,with all luxuries at their feet,walking around trying simple things,giggling like little girls,picking fun at each other,he wished to keep this innocence locked in his heart forever..

He knew,what was happening inside the walls of palaces. No matter who it was,all homes were same. The more crowded the home is,the more noise there is..

Like bangles and anklets.. He too had felt it. Once upon a time. To live life,to create life,an ideal state,he had cut himself into two. Ram and Sita. The first born of king Dasratha.. Yet somewhere she too knew,their lives were just sacrifices in the burning world. Nothing more,nothing less. His heart,his love,it would forever be judged. Measured. And even if he cuts himself to two,after giving everyone their other halves,then too it would be a agony. For him. So he had tried his best to not do it. Only follow the world,do his duty and smile..

Duty called him to marry them. Their love. It's not like he did not love them. But love with conditions,he could not. It was like,his life was a war.. As Dwaraka progressed,the world fell into madness of greed, ego and many other.. Darkness surged.. He too knew it. For him to have a life with them,with children,with family would mean a terror. In the heart of beings. Jealousy would come pouring. He had heard it. Comments about his character,sometimes even from his own distant family.. Sometimes from his own children.

He had laughed at that. It was not that he loved less. It was not that he did not keep everything,every being in Him. But to live with him,means walking on fire. It would burn the person inside out. And oftentimes ego would fill the inside. The weight of ego,self would be very heavy and it would kill the love he sees in them. The proof was infront of his eyes..

His family,the whole Yadu clan was bound to destruction. He knew it,even before Gandhari's curse. Because he could feel it. The attachment his wives had with this family,the children,the life of Dwarika,the glory of Dwarika,would not survive the continuous attack of darkness outside,while the inside was already weakened due to attachments..

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