Chapter 16: morning showers and telling my mum

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The morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow across Beth Mead's bedroom. She stirred in her sleep, gradually becoming aware of the world around her. As she shifted, her eyes fluttered open, and she found herself in a cozy embrace.

Riley's arms were wrapped securely around Beth's waist, holding her close in a protective and affectionate manner. Beth couldn't help but smile as she felt the warmth of Riley's body against her own.

With a quiet chuckle, Beth carefully reached for her phone on the nightstand, being mindful not to disturb Riley's peaceful slumber. She turned the phone's camera toward them, capturing the intimate moment of their morning snuggle.

Beth posted the photo to her Instagram, accompanied by a caption that read, "Waking up in your arms—every morning is a gift. 💖 #MorningCuddles #LoveIsInTheAir."

It didn't take long for the comments to start pouring in, and, as usual, her teammates were quick to seize the opportunity for some playful teasing.

Jordan Nobbs commented first, "Beth, you two are officially the cutest couple ever! 🥰 #RelationshipGoals."

Lucy Bronze chimed in with, "Looks like Riley's got the morning shift for cuddles! 😄 #BigSpoon."

Beth laughed as she read the comments, knowing that her teammates were only teasing out of affection. She replied, "I can't argue with that! 😂 #MorningCuddles #LuckyInLove."

Untangling herself from Riley's embrace, Beth decided it was time to start her day. She slipped out of bed and made her way to the bathroom, where she began to strip out of her clothes in preparation for her morning shower.

The sound of running water filled the bathroom as Beth stepped into the shower, allowing the warm cascade to envelop her. She reached for her shampoo and began to lather her hair, lost in the soothing sensation of the water.

Unbeknownst to Beth, Riley had woken up and noticed her absence from the bed. Curious, she followed the sound of the running water and quietly stepped into the shower behind Beth.

Riley's arms wrapped around Beth's waist, and she pressed a tender kiss to the crown of Beth's head. Without a word, she took the shampoo and began to wash Beth's hair, her touch gentle and intimate.

Beth's eyes widened in surprise, and she turned her head to meet Riley's gaze, a soft smile playing on her lips. The unexpected act of love and care from Riley filled her with warmth and gratitude.

As they stood under the shower's warm embrace, Beth and Riley shared a silent moment of connection and affection. It was a gesture that spoke volumes about the depth of their love and the beauty of their relationship.

The morning had rolled into a lazy, relaxed breakfast for Beth and Riley.They sat at the kitchen table, sharing laughs and stories as they enjoyed their meal. The sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow on the scene.

As they chatted, the sound of the doorbell rang through the house. Beth's mother had decided to pay a surprise visit, bringing with her a plate of freshly baked scones.

Beth welcomed her mother with a hug, and her mother greeted Riley warmly, introducing herself with a friendly smile. Riley had met Beth's mother before, but the circumstances had been different then. Beth's mother was kind and welcoming, instantly putting Riley at ease.

The three of them gathered around the kitchen table, sipping tea and nibbling on scones. Conversation flowed easily, with Beth's mother asking about their plans for the day and how they had been spending their time together.

Beth and Riley exchanged glances, a silent understanding passing between them. This was the moment they had been waiting for—an opportunity to share their love openly with someone they both cared deeply about.

Beth cleared her throat nervously, her cheeks tinged with a hint of pink. "Mom, there's something we wanted to tell you."

Her mother looked at her with a curious and encouraging expression. "Of course, dear. What is it?"

Riley reached for Beth's hand, offering her comfort and support. With a shy but determined smile, Beth finally confessed, "Riley is my girlfriend."

There was a moment of silence as Beth's mother processed the information. Then, a warm and understanding smile spread across her face. She reached out to gently pat Riley's hand.

"Well, it's lovely to meet you properly, Riley," Beth's mother said. "I'm so happy for both of you."

Relief washed over Beth as she realized that her mother's reaction was one of acceptance and support. She had feared that coming out to her family might be met with resistance, but her mother's understanding and warmth filled her with gratitude.

Riley felt a sense of belonging and acceptance that was equally comforting. She had been welcomed into Beth's family with open arms, and that meant the world to her.

Over cups of tea and scones, they continued to chat and share stories, this time with a newfound ease and openness. Beth and Riley's love had found acceptance and validation in the presence of Beth's mother, reinforcing the strength of their relationship.

As they sat together, basking in the warmth of their shared love and acceptance, Beth and Riley knew that they were on a journey filled with love, understanding, and the unwavering support of those who mattered most in their lives.

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