Chapter 14

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Two weeks later

I was sitting in the cold old dusty dirty cell. I've been beaten, raped, starved. I've lost all hope that the guys are gonna come and save us.

I've gotten used to being in this shitty cell. Men would come by and pay Gabriel to have a round or two with us.

We know that if we make any move to escape were all dead. I lay in the dirty cell.

Imarie is out. Lily is by me sleeping. I see Gabriels men walking back and they throw imarie in here.

I rush over to her and I kinda help her wounds. Suddenly the guards are taken out and bullets are going everywhere.


I did realize how much ella puts a smile on my face.  I may be a man that has never smiled.


Ella has always known how to put a smile on peoples faces. Lily always knew what to say when someone needed comforting.

Imarie always knew what to do when someone was hurt.

I find my self and a bunch of men packing up guns, bombs, grenades, and more.

We found where the girls are and were going to save them. I out on some body amor and so do all the soldiers.

Turns out Gabriel has been working for the Russian mafia. Our greatest enemy.

Me, Ares, Enzo, and a bunch of soldiers. We get in a bunch of black vans.

Me the guys haven't talked much. Were all in the van together though.
And were going undercover.

There's a guard at the front gate so one of ares fathers men is gonna sniper him.

As soon as he does that we all get out of the van and start to shoot. Thats our plan.

We reach the location. Ares father snipes the guard and I get out of the black van.

I start to shooting at random guards. Once most of them are dead we move in.

I find Gabriel. Hes gambling with old men and middle age men. He turns his head to us.

"ahh. Grey Russel, Ares Torres, And Enzo Garcia. Nice to see you all again." Gabriel says with a sick smile on his face.

He stands up and ares father puts a gun to the back of his head. I shoot his leg. He falls and screams in pain as he clutches his leg.

"Where are they?!" Ares yells threw gritted teeth. "T-there in the cells!" He yells in pain.

Ares father stays with Gabriel to make sure he doesn't get away. I head over to cells.

I see three little figures in there. Its to dark so I can't see. They have to be the girls though. I take out the guards.


I sob as I try to cover my naked bruised body. Its been a week. The guards are taken out.

I see three figures moving towards thr cell and I sob and cry as I move back into the dirty wall.

I see ares. He unlocks the cell door. He takes a step in as grey and enzo stay back.

He gently takes off his jacket and he wraps it around me. Enzo comes in and he wraps a blanket around a crying lily.

Ares picks me up and we walks out. Enzo does the same. Grey enters the dirty cell and he wraps his sweater around ellas naked hurt body.

He picks her up and walks out. As the men walk and hold us I cling into ares shirt.

He strokes my hair as I lean my head on his chest. I see ares father. He looks around. He seems stressed.

"Whats wrong?" Grey asks.

"He got away."




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