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KYA WISHED SHE HAD HER EARBUDS SO SHE COULD DROWN THE WORLD OUT. She could admit that she was a loner, she liked it that way, she didn't care for the false pretense of friends and the fake act that came with it. She liked being by herself and that was all she needed.

It wasn't like she ever got lonely. No, she had Allison, her older sister by a year, not that it mattered since they were in the same grade.

She glanced down at the piece of paper clutched tightly in her hands before up at the lockers, ignoring the many eyes that were lingering on her.

Kya was used to this part. She was the new girl after all, the trophy prize to be won and then discarded after realizing there was nothing special or interesting about her. Not like Allison.

She scowled and glared at those staring at her, better to get them off her back now rather than later after they've already discarded her and she was hurt again. God, she hated school, she hated the people who kept bumping into her in passing as she tried to pass her locker, she hated the unwanted touching.

Her eyebrows furrowed together and remained that way until she found her locker, fumbling with the lock. Of course, she struggled. She couldn't get the lock undone.

Kya groaned, her forehead slumping forward to rest against the cool metal of the locker.

"Woah, are you alright?" A male's voice came from beside her, causing Kya to lift her head up and look at the person standing next to her. The boy was very attractive in her opinion which surprised Kya since she normally never felt attraction to others.

He had honey-brown eyes, short buzzed brown hair, and pale skin. He had the locker right next to her's open, things sprawled chaotically throughout it.

"No," She admitted. "I can't get my locker open."

The boy glanced at her locker, eyes widening at the number. "Oh, it's your locker. The lock gets stuck easily so you just gotta wiggle it," he told her, leaning over to look at her code. He entered it on the lock before he lifted on the handle, wiggling it as he went.

Kya groaned as her locker popped open, a hand flying up to rub her face. "Great, of course I get stuck with a defective locker," she huffed.

The boy chuckled nervously, pulling back from her space. "Hey, at least it opens," he offered.

She shot him a smile. "Yeah, thanks for the help," she said.

"Not a problem," he told her. "I'm Stiles."

"I'm Kya," she replied, sticking books she didn't need nor want for the first half of the day in her locker. She glanced at Stiles, hesitating. "Hey, do you by chance know where Mr. Curtis' class is?"

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