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The nightmares have just gotten worse. Even with Soda at my side, I always end up in a cold sweat. He tries to calm me down. It doesn't really work.

Sometimes i'm drowning. I'm kicking hard against the Soc, struggling against their strong arms. They dunk my body underwater. My lungs long for oxygen, but instead they get gulps of sour water stinging my throat. I need to breathe, I say. I need to breathe.

Other times i'm on fire, and so is Johnny. Dazzling reds and oranges that once blended into the sky have transformed into flames dancing across my arms. Johnny is screaming for me through the church, an echo filling the ceiling. I'm stumbling, trying to reach him, but no matter how far I get he's still miles away from my reach. I can't save him, I say. He's dead.

I can barely think anymore. Puddles turn into fountains of water that are coated in Bob's blood. The spark from my lighter absorbs the church, crumbling into ashes. Everything I do is associated with that week of living hell.

And of course, as I swing open the door of the movie theater and step out into the bright sunlight, I'm only thinking of two things: Paul Newman and my lifeless body floating in the fountain.

Soda's and Darrys car is waiting outside on the curb. I step inside the back seat.

"Hey, kid, how was the movie?" Soda says from the front.

"Fine," I sigh. In reality, the movie was just like anything else I had seen. A beachy teen girl plot with muscular men picking up their broads. I nearly fell asleep halfway through. Those movies never interest me, no matter how hard I try.

The car is silent until we pull into the house. Steve is leaning against the pillar, having a smoke with Two-bit. Soda sticks an arm out the window and waves enthusiastically to Steve, who returns a toothy grin.

All three of us hop out and walk up to Steve and Two-bit. I climb up the steps and cross my arms, staying close to my two brothers.

"Hey, y'all," Two-bit says, huffing ghastly white smoke from a cigarette.

"Hey, Two, ya busy tonight?" Soda asks, his back pressed against the railing.

"Shepards throwing a party with his gang. You and Steve can come, Darry, if you want," Two responds before taking a long drag. He sees the look on my face and tosses me a cig. I smile.

"Yeah, i'll come, only for a bit," Darry leans his head back and presses his lips together. "Pony, you going anywhere?"

"Nup, staying in tonight," I say through the white stick in between my fingers. I flick my lighter from my pocket and squeeze my eyes shut, trying to resist the warmth feeding from the flame. Just a breeze, I tell myself. Warm breeze.

The cigarette helps my nerves if I can get past the flame. I take a long drag and feel the anxiety seep out of my body slowly, washed away with the smoke.

"Okay, just holler if you need us." Darry says sitting up straighter. I spot Dally and Johnny walking up to the gang, Johnnys hands stuffed in his pocket, hiding behind Dallys tall figure.

"Hey, Johnnycakes!" Steve yells from the porch. "C'mere!"

"Hey, Stevey," Johnny slaps his hand in a sort of handshake as he's squeezed between Steve and Dally.

Ever since the fire, everyone's become more of a bigger brother to Johnny. More protective, they'll barely let him sleep alone in the lot anymore. They don't trust us around each other by ourselves. Scared we'll run away with each other again. That's stupid, I think, I wouldn't run away ever again if I had to relive those dreadful days in the church.

"Me and John are gonna mess around a bit tonight," Dally pats him on the shoulder and Johnny stares up at him admirably.

I still don't really know why Johnny admires Dally so much. Out of everyone in the gang, I used to like Dally the least. Now that's not the case, seeing him save Johnny, but I still don't understand what's there to praise about him. His records a mile long. I'm scared of the fuzz.

"Pony, why don't you come with?" Johnny asks, tilting his head.

"I don't know, just tired," I put out my cigarette against my jeans.

"That's alright, maybe another night," Dally says, slapping me one on the back as I turn to go inside the house. "Hey!" I yelp as the gang laughs at me. I flash a smile before closing the door behind me.


WOOHOO first chapter done! sorry if this is a little shorter then others i'm on a bit of writers block, but see u in time for the next chapter!!!

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