Best treatments.

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Aching joints:
Best treatment: Burdock root & daisy leaves. Nettle leaves & Goldenrod.

Torn claw:
Best treatment: Marigold, Poppy seeds, cobweb

Best treatment: simply give them poppy seeds and rub their sores with Comfrey

Best treatment: give them Alder bark/Tansy/broom

Tummy Ache / tummy bugs
Best treatment: Watermint & Chervil root. Juniper berries & Poppy seeds

Best treatment: Give them poppy seeds and order them to rest for the day.

Best treatment: pull the thorns out immediately and treat the wound with poppy seeds, burdock if it's a danger of infection and cobweb or goose grass if it bleeds.

Best treatment: simply use Marigold or garlic after rubbing it down with Dock leaves. Cover with cobwebs.

Best treatment: chewed Alder bark & Goldenrod juice, Nettle leaves & Poppy seeds.

Best treatment: drink plenty of water (bring them moss soaked in water) Nettle leaves & Poppy seeds. Borage leaves & willow bark.

Best treatment: Honey (for dry throat) & tansy

Trouble sleeping
Best treatment: ragwort, Poppy seeds, or Chervil root.

Low on milk
Best treatment: borage leaves.

Asthma/trouble breathing
Best treatment: colts foot and/or Juniper berries. (For kitting Queens coltsfoot)

Bee / wasp stings
Best treatment: remove the bee stinger (if bee) gingerly as possible without squeezing the venom sack. Nettle leaves & Poppy seeds or Dandelion stems (juice) & Alder bark.

Best treatment: use mouse bile.

Best treatment: Nettle leaves & Poppy seeds, goldenrod juice & Burdock root.

Cracked paws
Best treatment: Goldenrod juice, Garlic, and cobwebs.

Chill (cold/flu)
Best treatment: Honey (Throat) Poppy seeds, moss soaked in water, & bed rest, feverfew/Lavender

Irritated throat/smoke inhalation
Best treatment: give them honey, and if breathed in smoke give the coltsfoot or juniper berries too.

Aching/infected eye
Best treatment: celandine and eyebright/garlic/dried oak leaves.

Best treatment: marigold and cobwebs.

Best treatment: Lavender, thyme leaves, or tansy.

Best treatment: alder back (chewed) & bay leaves, garlic & horse tail, or marigold and comfrey root. Apply cobwebs after.

Best treatment: Horse tail & and chervil Leaf juice or burdock root & marigold.

Carrion place disease:
Best treatment: Borage, coltsfoot, Angelina (only for illness) juniper berries, honey, feverfew.

Best treatment: snakeroot and/or yarrow. If not at paw use another herb that can expel toxins.

Broken bones
Best treatment: pull the bone back in place then use poppy seeds, Birch bark (moist), broom & horsetail. Apply splint afterwards.

Kitten cough
Beat treatments: Coltsfoot, garlic, feverfew, lavender, and nettle.

Best treatment: catnip, feverfew, lavender, honey, poppy seeds (includes sleep), water, bed rest.

Best treatment: feverfew, lavender, catnip, chickweed, and coltsfoot. (To ease breathing)

Feverfew, lavender and catnip.

Death disease
Best treatment: a very painful illness the cat slowly. This disease is worse than black cough and there is no cure! The humane thing is to ease their way to starclan.

Morning sickness
(Only queens can get)
Best treatment: allow her to rest and have water. Give her poppy seeds, avoid juniper berries and use raspberry leaves or nettle leaves instead.

Best treatment: stay off the injury and apply nettle leaves and give poppy seeds.

Best treatment: get the cat's body warm at all cost but be careful not to do it fast. Keep the victim out of the wind and cold places. Place the cat in a preheated nest and have other cats sleep around them to give warmth. The rest is in starclan's paws.

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