Meow part 1

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She is serious, really serious about their relationship. But is he serious? She is Ritika and he is Rudranil. Their relationship is like a miracle and Ritika just broke up with his ex and Rudranil was there to give her tissue. It is a butterfly effect. It was not actually tissue paper but his drawing book papers. Then they went together to Ritik jia’s house and Rudra left the place after getting the drawing book back. The breakup happened in a restaurant named “Lover’s Place.”
Rudranil, a self centered introvert, doesn't know how to convey his feelings to others so it is quite miraculous how a bright, pretty girl like Ritika fell in love with him.
On their first date at Lover’s place, Ritika is waiting for Rudra. The meeting time is at 3.30 pm. But Rudra is late. It is 4 already. Ritika is feeling disgusted at his late coming.
She is sitting at a table at the corner side of the restaurant. After 5 minutes there is a pull at the main gate, and a bearded young man, with a diary and a hand bag hanging from his shoulder, enters the restaurant. He is looking hesitantly towards here and there while coming to the corner. He sat on the chair in front of her. But his eyesight was down to his lap. Now she begins to speak.
She greeted, ‘Hi!’
At first he hesitated and then replied with a high tone, “Hii!”
The waiter came to them and asked what they wanted to take.
“One Cold coffee and one chicken sandwich please.” And then looking at Rudra, Ritika
asked, “and you?”
“same! Same!”, Rudra said instantly.
The waiter left and they were left with
a beautiful flower vase on the table. There was a prolonged silence between them except the sound of tearing of plastic petals when Rudra checked them whether they were original or not as Ritika thought why only she would speak, it is up to Rudra also to start a conversation. Ritika once again felt disgusted at Rudra’s silence. It was their first date but Rudra was behaving in such a way as they were already married couples and didn't want to speak with each other. Rudra was writing something in his diary with a blue ball pen. Being a talkative girl
she could not resist herself from saying a word.
“What are you doing”?
Rudra answered overwhelmingly, “Oh! I am writing a story.”
"Which subject?" Ritika questioned.
"I cannot tell you."
He replied, "because I have to finish it first."
"Ok. You can tell me later. By the way, don't mind."
"Its ok"
Then again there was a prolonged silence.
It is 5 at the clock. Ritika is now feeling
Then she said, ‘I think, we have
to leave now.’ Hardly had Ritika finished her sentence when Rudra said, “Okk”.
They left the place. Ritika was not happy with their first date. Ritika was eagerly waiting for their 2nd date to be successful.
The next day, Ritika got up early in the morning. She lived in a Girls’ hostel named Balika Nibas. It was Sunday and most importantly it was her birthday. The early day was not successful. She is quite sentimental. The previous break up with Dhananjay, led her into a serious feeling of
depression. Now she wanted to be out of this. And all of a sudden it was her most important day and she liked to hope for something good. As usual she got a phone call from her mother who lived in Delhi. She wished for her. Ritika thanked her mom. Ritika did not tell her mom about her new boyfriend. And unknowingly what was going in her girl’s mind, Ritika’s mom was finding a match for her girl. Her friends already celebrated her birthday last night. They were demanding for a treat but she told them that she was devoted to their meeting on that day. So, she would give them the treat after two days.Just like the previous day the bearded young man came to the restaurant one hour late. Then again the prolonged silence and Ritika was expecting something new. But Rudra was no way in a mood to talk. He was writing in his Diary like the previous day. All of a sudden he sneezed so loudly and everybody who was present there got frightened.
Then Ritika said to him, “Heigh! I think you don’t know which day it is?”
“I think it is Sunday.”
“Yes. I know it is Sunday. But it is my birthday also.”
"Oh! Oh. Really! I did not know", Rudra hesitantly replied.
"Then what gift would you like to give me?" she asked.
"Anything you can ask." he replied by pausing for a moment.
"Really! She exclaimed.
Ritika was pleased internally. Then she replied, "I want to see you beardless."
"You have promised me. I think you need to keep your promise."
He could not say anything.
It was already 5. The Balika Nibas was to be closed. So she told him, “Let's go today.”
She was preparing for her 3rd date.
But when she was going to her bed at night there was a message from her dear Rudranil, that he will be out of station from his house for the next 7 days.
The day after tomorrow, as ritika went to the market in the evening, she saw Rudranil hesitantly looking here and there, like he always does, and was holding his hand and left the place very abruptly.  Ritika noticed all these from behind a post. She saw some cats were following him. Then following him she finally arrived in front of his house. Then she saw that the gate of the house was already opened and it was not closed. In mind she was very much angry with him. She entered the house and gently followed the wood stairs. And one by one she ascended the upstairs very calmly lest he should know. While ascending the stairs she found out that there was blood everywhere in the stairs and flesh all over the floor. Finally when she reached the first floor, she found a beautiful picture of a girl. Then suddenly a black cat started meowing. And she got frightened. And descended down the stairs very fast and left the place.
"Now what should she do?" She wanted to know why he lied to her and whose else the picture was. It was their very beginning and she did not want to make it complicated in the first days. So she took a suggestion from her friend Ishika. Ishika said, "I think, right now you should not ask him about the picture of the girl." You should also not ask him why he lied to you.
"But why!" Asked Ritika.
"Because you have just broken up with someone."
"And you need to be with him. Just wait and see what happens!"
Next meeting.
Like the first day, a bearded young man
hesitantly entered the restaurant and came
straight to the south corner. His face was
devastating, he was looking tired. And his right hand fingers were tied in bandages.
"Hii! What has happened to your hand?"
He looked at her instantly and then again
looked down to his lap, and said,
“Nothing..'' a pause and then again "Nothing!"
He then sat down and ordered a thali.
She was not expecting that he would order a thali. But looking at him she already guessed that he did not eat anything that day. She thought that she would ask him where he was these days. But she could not get the
opportunity to do so. Rudra was eating very
fast and there left no chance for conversation. After finishing the food, he said, “I am feeling drowsy, I need to go home.”
Saying this he left the place hurriedly. But he
left his diary on the chair. He forgot it. And Ritika got it. She ran up to the gate, to give it to him, but he was already out of vision. She wanted to give it .
Ishika- "you have caught a fool. I think you need to break up with this also. "
Ritika- "I am also thinking the same. Btw what is to do with the diary?"
Ishika- "let me see what this fool has to do with his pen."
Ritika gave the diary to Ishika. Ishika started handling the Diary. The diary had 50 pages but the front 20 were torn. Seeing that Ritika said, "they are gone for my tears."
Then Ishika started reading,
Page 25-
The leader presided over the meeting and
asked all the couples to be carnivorous to
extent of being cannibal. Because only flesh can give us back our lost pride. Then all the couples got together and they said that they will work for them and only for their community. The leader also said that morality has gone down. Living with the humans has downed our moral values. The girls are becoming idiots day by day. They are leaving their boyfriends like selling hot cakes. The more they are going towards these the more the society is falling down.
So we should separate ourselves from them. We need to eschew others. The rest of our community needed to be informed. Finally it is time to punish those who will leave their boyfriend for another, WHOM I call an idiot. Now all the girls from the couples come forward and punish this bad feminine in our community. Now I am issuing this writ on behalf of our beloved Kalu. And the strong ladies let bring anjali. And then they brought him. And they started his accusation.
"Dear Kalu, what happened, say patiently."
KALU started speaking, yesterday I went to the market in order to acquire some tiny fleshes for my wife. But when I came back I found that she was not there. After searching for many times, I found her on the back stairs of my house with Rahu. I think it is my bad luck that I cannot catch Rahu but I caught my wife. For whom I lost my pride , now I want justice. "Oh! This is the human thing!"
Yes Kalu you have finished your sentence. Now it is up to us to give you justice. Now we all will give your wife a lesson which she will remember for a long period.
Now all the ladies come forward and put your hand into the black paint and make her as black as her husband is. They all did so.
Now we have come into our last stage of our meeting. Now if any of you have any suggestions for our work you can kindly come forward. What should be our motto? It should be avoiding us from the human.
Someone whispered at the leader’s ears. Then he ordered all the couples to come forward and take your positions in the seats and make this happen. Here we present before you the canvas and you need to put your hands again into the colour box and pay our greatest tribute to the one and only The Mistress.
Then page 30 was missing. “Don’t need to read anymore.”Ritika said angrily.
Ishika was not surprised.
She said, "So the boy is a cult follower and a flesh eater. You have already seen the blood."
Ritika was flying into rage. "He indirectly tried to blame me. He murdered our feminism. Are you with me?"
"Yes, let's teach him a lesson."
The very next day, the two went to his house, but he was not there. His gate was locked. The two were finding him here and there and finally Ritika said, let's find him in Lover’s Place. But they did not need to go up to the restaurant. They saw him in a crowd, with a man holding him from fleeing and saw a person whom she very much knew, it was his ex Dhononjoy. Immediately police came to the place. The police removed the crowd from that place. Seeing police Rudra got frightened and fled away from that place. The Police tried to catch him, but Dhonojoy told them “no need to arrest him, he is just an idiot. He doesn’t know what he is doing”. The police constable said, "But it can be dangerous for you." The man who was holding Rudra said the police said, "I will manage
"What basis are you saying from?"
"I will manage him to leave the place."
Then Ritika told the police officers, "You need to arrest him. He is a misanthrope. And he is running a cult. You should arrest him."
Seeing Ritika Dhononjoy got startled and smiled
at her and then he left the place. The Man tried to stop him by saying, “Where are you going?”
Dhononjoy replied, “I have someone to meet.”
"What evidence do you have?" The police asked Ritika.
"I have seen blood all over his house. This
The police went through the diary. And said "we cannot arrest him on the basis of a diary."
Ishika told Ritika not to make words with the police, otherwise it can be the opposite of what they are thinking.
"Okk. Then We will find him and teach him a lesson". Saying so Ritika left the place.
"You said this diary was his then, give it to him and send him to some distant place soon."
There was a knock on the door.
There was a man. It was he who was holding Rudra yesterday.
--Hi! I am Bijan.
--Rudra’s friend.
--I don’t want to hear his name. Please you can leave.
She was about to close the door.
--No don’t do that. You may not like him nor did he. But you need to know the truth. This is the last page that you missed. After reading this I think you may change your mind. She took the paper from Bijan and glanced at it. The paper was covered with blood. And there was a line followed by a beautiful picture, the bigger version of which was seen by her in his house.
"It was his sister."
Pausing for a moment,
"He is not like that. He is just another soul.
I will tell you a story of a boy. Once there lived a small boy who was bullied for his behavior and for the reason of being an introvert. He was bullied
by his friends, his father…yes by his father also. Then there was his sister who is three years older than him, looked after him when he returned after being bullied by others. It was her who taught him the beautiful drawings. But the irony of fate was lurking around them, when she was found dead mysteriously in his bedroom hanging from the ceiling. Actually she was suffering after her break up with the same person you once dated. And Rudra was greatly affected by this. That he wanted to take revenge. So he bought a knife from the market. And then went to kill him but he could not and there he met with you. Then for some days Dhononjoy went to kolkata and Rudra somehow came to know about this so he also planned to go. But Dhononjoy’s flight got cancelled so he was returning from there and that was noticed by Rudra. And the day before yesterday he finally came close to him and tried to follow him all day. And then finally when he was going to attack, he misjudged and cut his finger. And then yesterday when Dhonojoy was returning from office he again tried to attack him. But I was there to stop him. Now after that he is frightened enough and I have managed him to leave this place. Otherwise Dhononjoy may get him arrested. He is leaving this place.
And this diary is the only thing which has the accounts of his love for you. Yes for you.
You need to go through the. Try to read the
page 35 to page 40. You will get your answer.
He, as an introvert, was greatly affected by this incident. He wanted to kill that person but could not, he found out about you. He is just trying to find out a way to live his happy moments in his torn life."
Then everyone forwarded their paws to make a beautiful picture of a girl.

Page 31
Next day another meeting was summoned. The leader said that Kalu had witnessed a girl. She is very much like our mistress. She is our mistress’s brother’s friend. We need to give her respect. Kalu, you have not done a good thing by giving her fear.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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