The Birthday

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-Febuary 4th 1999 (freddie's 5th birthday)

*freddie wakes up and screams excited*

Its my birthday!!!

*Mrs.Benson wakes up to freddie screaming and sprints to his room*

-in freddie's room-

Mrs.B: whats wrong freddie?

Freddie: it's my birthday mom!!

Mrs.B: and that's why you had to wake mommy up?

Freddie: but, mom!

Mrs.B: no buts mister, now let's get you into the bathub before its late for school.

-skip to carpool pickup line-

*freddie gets into the car wearing a birthday hat and a star sticker on his forehead*

Mrs.B: freddie! How much times have i told you stickers make your face get rashy

Freddie: but mom it's my birthday!

Mrs.B: but nothing, who has to always pay in the end for all those dermatologist face creams?

Freddie: you..

-skip 1hr to the discussion-

*at home*

*knock on the door*

Mrs.Benson: freddie baby go see who's at the door!

Freddie: okay! mom

*freddie opens the door and sees carly*

Freddie: Carly!!! You came

Carly: hey freddie!!

*they both hug*

-skip to end of the party-

Mrs.Benson: Freddie go to the bathroom im gonna give you a tick bath
god knows how many of your friends have them.

Freddie: Mom! My friends don't have ticks!

Mrs.Benson: i don't care come on of to the bathub you go.

*Mrs.Benson dries freddie off and changes him into pajamas*

Freddie: Mommy, i didn't even enjoy my birthday!

Mrs.Benson: Go to bed Fredward.

Freddie: okay.

*Mrs.Benson walks out of the room and closes the door behind her*

*Freddie takes out his pearpad and videochats carly*

Carly: hey freddie what's up?

Freddie: i'm sad carly.

Carly: what's wrong?

Freddie: it's my mom..she

Carly: she?

Freddie: i feel like she doesn't let me enjoy any of my special days.

Carly: oh freddie, im sorry to hear that.

Freddie: its fine, goodnight carly.

Carly: Goodnight freddie.

*Freddie finally falls asleep after crying himself to sleep silently*

Word count: 320 words
Hope you enjoy this chapter growing up benson

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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