Chapter 10

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His boots thundered against the metal roofing, coat trailing behind him as the sound of gunshots followed his eyery move. Each turn he took was met with more people holding firearms, the yells of his name following suit once he'd dashed off elsewhere.

Turning once more he was faced with the barrel of a gun, sweat pooling down the side of his temple as the thought of his head being blown to smitherines. "Hey hey we can talk about this." Raising his hands with a nervous laugh the blond's lips curled into a nervous smile, eyes never leaving the barrel of the gun.

At least until the firearm was knocked of their hand. Turning his gaze to the side where the shot came from Vash felt his heart jump a little, lips curling into a larger smile until your voice cut through the air, hands craning up your rifle to aim once again. "Don't just stand there! Run!"

"Sorry!-" Beginning to run off once again he could hear things beginning to fall behind him blocking anyone from following- curtesy of you of course. Peering his head over his shoulder he yelled out. "I owe you one!"

Scoffing at the blonds words you continued to provide him cover, your eye peering through the scope of your weapon in order to create obsticles for those who decided to pursue Vash. You knew he'd be fine, especially considering the plan you'd quickly made with Meryl and Roberto; the pair waiting farther away from your current position to swoop in and secure the fugitive.

Finishing the round of ammo that was in your gun you swung up over your shoulder, boots thundering against the roofs as you made your way towards where the reporter duo should be. An almost relieved look crossed your face upon seeing the pair squashed beneath your blond haired companion.

Well, that was one way to bring him up you supposed.

"Looks like they caught wind of your bounty." Breathing that out once you'd reached the three a loud sigh left your lips. Vash's form raised up off of the mini dogpile shaking his head at the thought. His expression downturned at that, lips puffing out some air once Meryl passed over a wanted poster.

"Why'd they use this photo?" "Youre a wanted criminal and the photo they used is what you're worried about?" Budding in right after your fingers moved to snag the paper from his hand, eyes trailing across it before a melodic hum left you."I think it's cute, captures your charm."

The edges of his ears flushed at your comment, however before anyone could comment the four of you held your breaths ducking out of sight as a cluster of civilians passed by.

"Knew those two journalists and that girl were trouble, shouda known they were appart of his gang." "Whatever, we'll just catch them all and demand a higher bounty for em."

Waiting for them to pass you shook your head, "We need to make a plan to get out of here, obviously this city isn't as welcoming as before." Inputting that, the others right away agreed in their own ways.

A plan now beginning to bew once more.


"Some plan that was." Finding yourself kneeling on the sand beside Roberto, hands behind your head, an annoyed huff quickly followed after your words. The plan was working for the most part- however you'd forgotten that they'd probably place people at the exits to catch Vash when he'd try to leave.

A mix between a scoff and bitter laugh left the older man beside you upon hearing your mutters, he felt like the plan was awful from the getgo however he also knew his ebony haired partner wouldn't listen to any 'pesimism' as she'd label it- when in reality it was just the truth.

You understood the whole issue around getting the money, as well as how the town was filled with people who were just desperate to live and how they'd be able to pay for a new plant- But Vash was your friend, and you'd honestly hate having to track him down again after a presumible jail brake- somethin you felt like the blond would most certainly do, whether on accident or on purpose.

It seemed as though a stiff silence had followed the womans attempt at an apology, her weapon raised and ready until a loud rumbling had stolen the attention. Rosa's gaze darted away from Vash, arms lowering at the sight of a large vehicle making it's way over- the young boy from the diner being in it's path. "Tonis!" Her weapon was dropped in a haste, the woman darting towards the boy while Vash hopped up darting towards the two as well.

Pulling them back he skidded across the sand, the vehicle quickly skidded to some sort of stop; kicking up clouds of sand. Enough that seeing, let alone breathing had become difficult until the sand began to settle.

"What the hell was that?!" Speaking more to yourself than anyone else a cough tore through your lips from the inhalation of sand, eyes trying to peer out through the clouds only able to make out blurry shapes.

Speakers attached to the vehicle in question began producing sound, "Power is justice! Power is truth! There is no future for those who can't fight! Get out here, Vash the Stampede! We, the Hard Puncher Nebraskas, challenge you to a duel! Where are you, Vash the Stampede?!"

The aforementioned blond appeared from within the sand, his coat trailing behind him as he road out into the desert on a large bird.

Finding Meryl and Roberto once the sand cleared a little you moved to stand beside the pair, the former of the two sparing you a glance. "Still want to travel with Vash after all this?"

"Honestly I don't know anymore, but at least it'd be one hell of an adventure." Your words drew out a scoff from the older man, all the while Meryl stared at you as if you were crazy- something you gave a short shrug to.

Vash's decision to head out into the desert was quickly followed by the unknown challengers, their vehicle kicking up some more sand in an attempt to follow.

"Come on, we can follow him." Hearing Meryl declare that you almost wanted to sigh in exasperation, one minute she seemed to disagree with following the blond and the next she wanted to follow him- perhaps it was all just adrenaline or something along those lines.

That you didn't know, however what you did know was that you wanted to tag along- thus how you ended up leaning out the window of their own buggie, rifle scope scanning the newcomers vehichle for somethign to fire at.

Despite how small the vehicle was it sure moves fast, the front wheels of it practically lining up with the bird Vash had been riding. The blond in question beginning to argue with Meryl once he'd noticed the three of you tagging along.

"Meryl! If you can pull back a little I might be able to get something." Calling that out from the backseat you mumbled a thanks as the girl quickly heeded your words, the vehicle pulling back enough for you to aim properly.

Nestling the weapon up against your cheek you took in a breath, eye focusing on one of the tires.

From the way the vehicle looked, drove and operated you could assume the wheels were reinforces and wouldn't exactly pop- so you aimed elsewhere, specifically some random wires that hung beneath the buggy.

A noise of satisfaction left you upon seeing the wire fray from your shot, little sparks of elecricity fickering around it afterwards.

Whatever you shot must'ce been important because afterwards the vehicle began jerking, it's wheels beginning to slow down until in practically stalled. Only your vehicle and Vash's bird continuing to head forwards beginning to slow once the offenders had fully stopped.

"I owe you again (Y/N)."

"I'll send you an invoice at this point."


Ramé (Vash x reader)Where stories live. Discover now